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Support response time

Support seems slow compared to last year. Using web/email whenever it's not urgent (and that's most of the time)  one has been answered within one day (a small console bug, passed on to development), one (SDUlogs sent with initial request) is unanswered since Thursday and for the the third one SDUlogs have been sent on Thursday which has been acknowledged a day later but no update since then. Not what I'm used to.

Is it the weather (both UK and Germany)? Or has the software to unpack the SDUlogs ceased to work :smileyvery-happy:? Or are there simply several more important cases (like  RT's ) open?



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  • I opened a case on Thursday and haven't received anything but an autoresponse from the system. However, my expectations of Sophos Support is higher than other vendors because they have typically been very fast in responding.
  • Thanks Sandy,

    it's not (yet) unacceptable just "unfamiliar" - that's why I asked here.

    A sample submission sent in two days ago has been answered the next day.


  • I opened a support call on February 12th and received a response almost immediately.  The response asked me to collect some data and send it to support.  The last I heard from anyone on the support line was February 17th.  I've collected date numerous times and have asked for updates 4 times since the 17th and still no response.  It's now almost a month later and I'm no closer to solving this blue screen of death issue.  My system rebooted twice yesterday and another two times today so far. 
