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Another Newbie

Hi everyone - just joined the forum and have started reading some of the great threads here.  I have already picked up some good tips and look forward to using this forum to share knowledge and gain knowledge!


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  • hi there.  newbie here also.  It is a bit intimidating with all these knowledgable people in the forum. but is great because I can pick up tips and fixes quick.  awesome. 

  • Hello titanx,

    I assume even these knowledgeable people put their pants on one leg at a time :smileywink:.

    To do a quick pick up is fine (as this is one purpose of this forum) but you (that's: "you" pl.) should consider to give something in return. Give kudos to helpful or interesting posts; add a short reply; use tags (you can tag other's posts); before you start a thread look for similar questions and if you start it tell us what you've already found; try to be detailed; if you've started a thread please provide a "final report"; commenting on someone else's problem even if it does not offer a solution might put some other person on the right track.

    If you decide to spend more time here don't shy away from giving advice because there might be someone more knowledgeable, or you think that a certain user owns the right to answer, or that some Frequent Advisor will answer anyway. And - trying to give meaningful advice is a great way to learn.

    So - welcome to all the Newbies

