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Some quick help needed

Hi there,

I use Sophos Anti-Virus 7.6.19 and while I know this might sound like a stupid question, I was wondering how I could turn protection off temporarily? Something I am using which I categorically know not to be a virus is tripping the anti-virus off so I need to turn Sophos off entirely while I use it. Unfortunately, my efforts so far have only resulted in my being able to banish it to the system tray, and not off altogether. Any advice would be appreciated.


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  • Hello CJRyan,

    you can't turn it off temporarily- if you have turned it off you have to remember to turn it on again. Ah - and don't expect "quick help" over the weekend :smileyhappy: As you obviously have neither installed nor configured Sophos yourself you are usually only eligible for an answer like: Ask your friendly administrator.

    But I do like your style and orthography and I think you deserve a little bit more details. If you don't know and/or haven't found out how to turn off Sophos in this case you are most likely not in a position to know something not to be a virus. These are famous words and if not last then next-to-last. But now we are back to "Just ask your administrator" - and if you don't know him/her this might be a good time to make up for it.

    BTW: tell us which rule has been triggered and a little bit about the "something" and we might give you some arguments for your use with your admin.


  • Hi Christian,

    Thank you for getting back to me, I'll add a bit more detail to my case. The computer I use is a personal computer to which I as the owner have full admin rights over, so it's not something I can go to an administrator about unfortunately. Sophos was, to the best of my knowledge already running and configured to it when I purchased the system. The programme I am trying to use is a game trainer, which was made professionally by a well known company. The game trainer operates by (to the best of my knowledge) changing data-values within the code of the game it was made for, but this is triggering what is percieved to be a Mal/Behav-363 threat by the anti-virus software.

    While you would be right in thinking that I am not in a position to determine what is and is not a virus, I have been assured by the manufacturers of the trainer, others who use the trainer without incident and by my brother who is a Computer Science Graduate (but is unfortunately not around to resolve the problem for me) that this is a false-positive on the part of the anti-virus software, but since I have found no exceptions option on Sophos, nor a way to turn it off it continues to interfere with the operation of the trainer.

    I only wish to turn it off while I use the game and trainer, after which I will surely turn it on once again! :)

  • Hello,

    Sophos was, to the best of my knowledge already running and configured to it when I purchased the system

    That's interesting as Sophos is not licensed to home users. Did you get it from your school/university?

    As authorize is not an option for files classified a Mal (malicious) you can only add an exception for the file - it should be easy to find (Configure -> Anti-Virus -> On-access scanning ...).


  • I don't know what to tell you, I just picked it up from the computer store. Anyway, that seems to have done the trick nicely. I really appreciate the help! :)
