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Integration with ServiceNow Using API

Is there any documentation for integrating Sophos into ServiceNow using the API? We are an MSP, and I have a consultant working with a customer that needs to integrate Sophos into ServiceNow.

He needs to "define an OAuth record for the Client ID/Secret, then establish a REST object for the API call."

I have not been able to find any documentation for this specific solution, so I was wondering if anyone has either experience with this or can point me in the direction of some documentation.

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Parents Reply
  • I know he's been looking through that. We've been able to get the initial API calls to work, but he's trying to see if there is anything that might show how Sophos fits inside ServiceNow's object framework. He's going to pour over ServiceNow documentation to see if there are solutions there, but we wanted to see if anyone else has encountered this and found a solution.
