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Sophos Central - self-hosting option?

As an existing iView user, I would like to continue hosting my own reporting service rather than trust a third-party to my data. Cloud-computing isn't all it's cracked up to be, frankly.

Does Sophos have any intention of offering this application in a self-hosted form that we can run in a VM, like we could with iView?

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  • Sophos put iView into the End of Life cycle. What does you bother about Central and why do you want to host this by yourself? 


  • For a number of reasons but, primarily, for the simple fact that my data should remain purely my data.

    Additionally, having tried Sophos Central, it is slow and that is likely the result of my upstream speed (despite it being a 40Mbps upstream service).

    In which case, I will stick with iView, despite it being discontinued because the telemetry is still reasonably useful and renders much faster by comparison.

    I just don't see a compelling case for why customers should not have the choice to host their own log aggregator and analysis tool. By all means, make a cloud version available for those with significantly larger fleets to manage but for the small fleets, there are sufficient benefits in going self-hosted and not being reliant on someone else's platform.

  • For a number of reasons but, primarily, for the simple fact that my data should remain purely my data.

    Additionally, having tried Sophos Central, it is slow and that is likely the result of my upstream speed (despite it being a 40Mbps upstream service).

    In which case, I will stick with iView, despite it being discontinued because the telemetry is still reasonably useful and renders much faster by comparison.

    I just don't see a compelling case for why customers should not have the choice to host their own log aggregator and analysis tool. By all means, make a cloud version available for those with significantly larger fleets to manage but for the small fleets, there are sufficient benefits in going self-hosted and not being reliant on someone else's platform.

  • Hello Starclassic,

    just my two cents.
    IT is a highly competitive market and investors are often more interested in short-term profits than in long-term strategies. In this situation neither increasing its market share nor aiming for higher margins is a viable option for a company to make its investors happy. Pumping up revenues by acquisitions is one way. SaaS has been widely adopted, multi-tenant architectures reduce both operational and development costs.Moving their software to the Cloud vendors integrated various components and products into a single product line with a common (cloud) management console. Many if not most major vendors already offer the cloud as only solution.
    Naturally, whatever a company sells or gives away has to yield profit, directly or indirectly. In the light of the above, what could Sophos gain from reversing their decision to declare iView EOL and continuing to offer it? And no, I don't endorse the withdrawal of all on-premise products


  • I hear what you're saying but I'd be happy to pay for an on-premise version of Sophos Central. It doesn't have to be iView nor am I asking for iView to be resurrected.

  • Hello Starclassic,

    had similar thoughts when they announced EOL for the on-premise SESC. I'm not sure that it's possible to simply "scrape out" a "landlord" version (let alone of just one "facet")  from the multi-tenant Central - and don't forget that Central has rather tight licensing. Furthermore I assume that Central has strict requirements w.r.t. the underlying platform and subsidiary software- at least it's likely not built to run on more or less arbitrary systems. All I could imagine was an individual AWS instance for large customers ...   
