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No knowledgebase results for error e03d02f0

Clicking the link (in SEC Computer Details) for e03d02f0  - Could not obtain an impersonation token for a resource shielding event returns no hits. Impersonation gives a handful of hits, shielding returns none (unless one is searching the entire site where Blaster worm suspect pleads not guilty in Seattle court is suggested - it is left as an exercise for the reader why this article is returned :smileytongue: )



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  • I rarely get results when clicking the links in the Computer Details window. It is really frustrating.

    Can Sophos respond to why they have so many error links with no corresponding data? Error codes are useless unless they can be used to point to a solution ....

  • I rarely get results when clicking the links in the Computer Details window. It is really frustrating.

    Can Sophos respond to why they have so many error links with no corresponding data? Error codes are useless unless they can be used to point to a solution ....

No Data