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Sophos Home Blocking Geek Uninstaller

Been using the Free version of Geek Uninstaller (portable) for a long time and had no issues with Sophos Home allowing it to run until I updated to the latest Geek Uninstaller Free version today, now Sophos Home is preventing it from running. It is my understanding that Geek Uninstaller is a reputable and clean application but I uploaded the latest executable to Virus Total anyway and it scanned 100% clean through all AV engines. I'm pretty sure this must be a false positive and have now added the executable to Sophos Home's exceptions. Anyone else experienced this issue?

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  • I believe Geek Uninstaller is considered Adware or PUA, at least with Sophos since last Nov, see here:


    I have seen this a lot with AV's and I get it, basically better to be safe, even if it is reputable they may have a third party add-on to help with their funding or the app itself may require specific privileges,  I think this has to do with for one, IT prefer to know if some user is doings things like this and for two, the average user may use this but not have enough knowledge to fully understand the implications of using it. 





  • Sorry, but it is, in my opinion, definitely a false positive. Geek Uninstaller is fully portable, I have extracted all files from the executable and checked them, all are fine, no PUPS or any other potentially unwanted extras. Scanning the executable through Virus Total shows that Sophos Home is the only one of seventy AV engines that flags it, all the rest, 69, give it a clean bill of health:

    I can understand why some tools/utilities, such as password extractors for example, can be flagged based on their potential for misuse but this is certainly not the case Geek Uninstaller - plus it is totally clean and perfectly safe.

  • Don't get me wrong I am not saying its bad, I am just saying that PUPs can be more of a grey area.  I have seen the same thing with many apps I feel or safe and I have vented the app just as you have, kudos for doing the work on checking it out.





  • Don't get me wrong I am not saying its bad, I am just saying that PUPs can be more of a grey area.  I have seen the same thing with many apps I feel or safe and I have vented the app just as you have, kudos for doing the work on checking it out.





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