Sophos Community: Staff Spotlight - Hubert Bello

In our staff spotlights, we get up close and personal with our amazing Sophos team members.

Up next is Hubert Bello, Technical Support Engineer – L1-3 and FY23 Sophos Team 10 Member. 

Let's Talk Career 

1. Can you tell us about your role at Sophos? 
As an L1 Technical Support Engineer, I assist customers in resolving their technical issues through phone, email, or remote sessions. An important part of my role is ensuring the customer gets the best support experience possible. 

2. How did you get to the role you're in now? 
Before joining Sophos, I worked as an IT Support Engineer in a BPO company for over 13 years. Unfortunately, our company was one of many that suffered during the pandemic, so I had to look for new opportunities. When an opportunity opened at Sophos, I jumped right to it, and here I am today.

3. What inspired you to get into IT and security? 
I’ve always been fascinated by IT people and wondered how they did what they did. This motivated me to study for a BS in Computer Engineering in college and take a role within the IT industry after graduation. This is where I developed my skills and learned to appreciate cybersecurity. 

4. What do you enjoy most about your role? 
Helping customers resolve their issues. In some other ways, I’m a customer myself, so I totally empathize with their feelings. 

5. What's something you've done during your time in the organization that you're proud of? 
Besides being part of Sophos Support Team 10 for FY23 and receiving APAC Global Support Services Recognition as a “True Star Awardee,” I feel proud whenever I can help my fellow engineers resolve their challenging cases. 

6. Describe a typical day in your Sophos life. 
This is what my day usually looks like: 

  • Checking emails  
  • Prioritizing tasks according to severity  
  • Analyzing cases and logs 
  • Replying to customers with the analysis result  
  • Replicating issues in a test environment 
  • Following up with and supporting customers via phone  

7. What's the best advice you can give to someone who has just started their career? 
“Don't Be Afraid to Get Your Hands Dirty.” It’s important that you learn by doing things.  

8. What would you do (for a career) if you weren't doing this? 
I would’ve likely been a Civil Engineer.  

Role in the Sophos Community  

9. What's a fun fact about you that you could share with the Community? 
I love cooking for my family. 

10. Have you posted any Recommended Read guides on the Community? 
Not yet, but I would love to in the future. 

Who is Hubert outside of Work?  

11. What are your hobbies outside of work? 
I enjoy spending time with my wife and siblings.  

12. What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year that you’ve never done? 
To travel out of the country with my wife. 

13. What's one thing you're really good at? 
I think I’m good at cooking since I haven’t heard any complaints from my family yet. 

14. If you could learn how to do anything, what would it be? 
I wish I could learn how to fly an airplane.  

15. Tell us about where you live (and your journey getting there - if applicable). 
I live in Rosario, Pasig, Philippines, which is known to be the heart of the city. It’s accessible to all public transport, and we’re lucky that our house is near most business establishments.  

16. What's your favorite thing about where you live? 
It’s strategically located in the center of Metro Manila, so you can easily go to different parts of the City. Our city is accessible to the market, church, schools, and government offices. 
17. Tell us something that might surprise us about you. 
My friends say that I have a good sense of humor. 

18. Any favorite line from a movie? 
“Real harmony takes lots of voices. Different voices.”  –The Trolls 

19. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Power to freeze time.