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Accessing an external RDP source (via Whitelist) through ZTNA

Our company is currently trying to figure out of ZTNA is a feasible solution for us in this particular instance.

As of right now we are connecting to an external RDweb client that only allows access to their site if your WAN IP is whitelisted. This means that when users are on the internal office network they can reach the site, but outside they cannot. Once users login to the site there are RD Applications that users can then click and download an .rdp shortcut. Users click it and they are prompted for their credentials. They will then connect to the broker over port 3389.

We recently setup ZTNA and we were successful in getting authenticated users to reach the RDweb client outside of the internal office network. When they click the application it downloads the .rdp file as usual, and when they click the .rdp file it even prompts for credentials and resolves to the correct broker. The issue comes when trying to establish the connection. The connection will attempt but stay at "Initiating remote connection..." and will eventually error out to a generic:

"RemoteApp Disconnected: The remote resource can't be reached. Check your connection and try again or ask your network administrator for help."
Details: Error code: 0x300000d | Extended Error Code: 0x0

I've ensured that ports 80,443, and 3389 are listed for both UDP and TCP in the ZTNA resource. Every component of this is now working except for the actual connection to the remote session. Where am I going wrong here?

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