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Hello! I am seeing if sophos ZTNA can be used for a certain use case. We currently have IP cameras connected to a central system, which has users and viewing permissions. Users have an application installed on their computers (an .exe file) that connects to the system, validates their credentials, and shows them the cameras they have in their profile in real time. When they are outside the network, they are forced to use vpn before starting the executable. Can I, through ZTNA, allow traffic from client computers and their .exe files to the camera system? Or, since it's not a web application, it's not a ZTNA use case?

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  • It should work in general. Meaning: it depends on the app. ZTNA uses an Agent on the windows client as well. You can do both, Clientless (web only) and clientbased (all ports). So to speak, with the agent, it will likely work. 


  • It should work in general. Meaning: it depends on the app. ZTNA uses an Agent on the windows client as well. You can do both, Clientless (web only) and clientbased (all ports). So to speak, with the agent, it will likely work. 


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