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Same Resource, Multiple Rules

Hello Folks

Is there any way to map multiple resources to the same destination, but with different ports?

I need e.g. TCP139/445 to a fileserver for the users, while the admin-team needs TCP/UDP3389 to it.

I obviously do not want to grant every user accessing this fileserver the possibility to RDP to the server (even if the account hat no logon-permissions over RDP).

Thank you for your assistance! 



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  • Hi Manuel,

    You can achieve this by adding two different resources with different external FQDNs and pointing to the same internal FQDN/IP address. You can choose different user groups and ports in different resources. The ZTNA agent uses the external FQDNs to intercept traffic, and hence you can provide any FQDN; it need not be externally resolvable. We also have a backlog item in which we will start allowing the addition of multiple resources with the same external FQDNs but mapped to different policies. 

  • Hi Manuel,

    You can achieve this by adding two different resources with different external FQDNs and pointing to the same internal FQDN/IP address. You can choose different user groups and ports in different resources. The ZTNA agent uses the external FQDNs to intercept traffic, and hence you can provide any FQDN; it need not be externally resolvable. We also have a backlog item in which we will start allowing the addition of multiple resources with the same external FQDNs but mapped to different policies. 
