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ZTNA Client: not connected, DNS resolution not working

We installed ZTNA environment first time. Gateway mode: Sophos cloud,  agendbased policies with 4 resources and gateway based on ESXi

We installed the client on Windows 11 Pro and all Resources are reachable. DNS Server points to sophos ZTNA Tap Adapter and with nslookup we can resolve our resources.

Then we installed the same client on Windows 10 Enterprise.  DNS Server points to the same ZTNA Tap Adapter but with nslookup we can´t resolve the resources. 

Within the logfile sntpservice.log we get the following error after assigning the dns server to  Failed to get interface entry for ZTNA Tap Adapter, error: 2

Is there a possibility to check the connection for the DNS Server? We can ping the gateway

It is only our own environment. But thanks for some ideas.


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