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Suddenly problems with pmx-database

1 2011-03-17T07:36:25 [16721,eui_direct] Marked message 93084-2 as deleted for one or more users
rantine;port=5432;host=[hostname]','',...) failed: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already at /opt/pmx/lib/site_perl/5.8.7/PureMessage/Reports/ line 69
3 2011-03-17T05:00:01 [22912,mlog_watch] No messages were scanned
4 2011-03-17T05:00:03 [22921,pmx-qrelease] Error while retrieving release request: Can't call method "prepare" on unblessed reference at /opt/pmx/lib/site_perl/5.8.7/PureMessage/Mes
sageStore/pmdb/ line 117.

1 2011-03-17T07:36:25 [16721,eui_direct] Marked message 93084-2 as deleted for one or more usersrantine;port=5432;host=[hostname]','',...) failed: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already at /opt/pmx/lib/site_perl/5.8.7/PureMessage/Reports/ line 693 2011-03-17T05:00:01 [22912,mlog_watch] No messages were scanned4 2011-03-17T05:00:03 [22921,pmx-qrelease] Error while retrieving release request: Can't call method "prepare" on unblessed reference at /opt/pmx/lib/site_perl/5.8.7/PureMessage/MessageStore/pmdb/ line 117.

After that pmx-qdigest didn't work any more.


Died at /opt/pmx/bin/pmx-qdigest line 116.


Time      : 2011-03-18 15:00:05

PID       : 26558

Job ID    : pmx-qdigest

Command   : pmx-qdigest --quiet

Exit code : 255

Died at /opt/pmx/bin/pmx-qdigest line 116.

I cleaned up as described  /search?q= 4875
and it works for now...
We didn't do a --dry-run ... why did that happen?

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  • A lock on the centralized digest will cause any future digests from running.  An execution of running a digest locks and unlocks during the processing of building and delivering the quarantine digests.  If at any point the process never completes or incurred an error and never gets to unlock the table will you notice errors in the log.

    As with the other forum post you can resolve this by resetting the lock.

  • A lock on the centralized digest will cause any future digests from running.  An execution of running a digest locks and unlocks during the processing of building and delivering the quarantine digests.  If at any point the process never completes or incurred an error and never gets to unlock the table will you notice errors in the log.

    As with the other forum post you can resolve this by resetting the lock.

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