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Exchange Server Error: Could not find a source for updated package Sophos PureMessage Module

Hey there

I get the following error, only on this one machine with puremessage installed. Please see log attached.

Basically, the console complains that puremessage wont update. Is there anything to try besides uninstall and reinstall of the product?

On the console, under update manager, I have "recomended windows 2000 and above" version "recomended". See other screen shot.

Under features it doenst say anything about puremessage. should it? and how do i configure that.


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  • Hello givemecontrol,

    has it ever worked? The Spam Rules are not updated via SEC/SUM but from Sophos directly. If you have SESC installed on the PureMessage server you need a policy which specifies Sophos as Secondary update location (please see chapter 3.3 in the startup guide).



  • Hello givemecontrol,

    has it ever worked? The Spam Rules are not updated via SEC/SUM but from Sophos directly. If you have SESC installed on the PureMessage server you need a policy which specifies Sophos as Secondary update location (please see chapter 3.3 in the startup guide).



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