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Sophos Email Appliance Clustering


Hi, i am planning to decommision our Sophos es1000 appliance and transfer and use Sophos Virtual Email appliance. May i ask if is it possible for us to migrate completely to VM setup?

Here's what i want to do and want to setup:

Phase 1 - Appliance clustered to VM #1
Phase 2 - VM #1 will be clustered to VM #2
                  and deactivate appliance.

How to configure clustering between appliance and VM to VM? when i configure clustering does the secondary appliance (VM) automatically have the same configuration to the Physical Appliance?

Any inputs is highly appreciated. THanks in advance.


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  • Hi tedz,

    Sure, you can migrate completely to VM and clustering is the best way to share configuration.  However, the order in which you do the clustering is very important:

    1.  Begin the installation wizard on the new VM.  Or if it is already setup go to 'Configuration | System | Clustering'

    2.  Cluster by entering the hostname of the existing physical appliance

    This causes the new VM to take configuration from the hardware appliance.  You can add both your VMs to the cluster in the same way and changing a setting on one appliance will replicate that setting on all 3.

    Once you are happy you can route email through the new VM appliance (eg. change firewall rules or MX record).  Although. I'd actually suggest to leave the physical appliance in the cluster for a while, even when it is not being used.  When you are happy that the reporting/quarantine data is no longer needed, you can remove it from the cluster.

    - Tom.

  • Hi tedz,

    Sure, you can migrate completely to VM and clustering is the best way to share configuration.  However, the order in which you do the clustering is very important:

    1.  Begin the installation wizard on the new VM.  Or if it is already setup go to 'Configuration | System | Clustering'

    2.  Cluster by entering the hostname of the existing physical appliance

    This causes the new VM to take configuration from the hardware appliance.  You can add both your VMs to the cluster in the same way and changing a setting on one appliance will replicate that setting on all 3.

    Once you are happy you can route email through the new VM appliance (eg. change firewall rules or MX record).  Although. I'd actually suggest to leave the physical appliance in the cluster for a while, even when it is not being used.  When you are happy that the reporting/quarantine data is no longer needed, you can remove it from the cluster.

    - Tom.

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