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Actions based on milter macros


I'm running Puremessage for Unix as a milter for Sun Messaging Server. Is it possible to check values of certain milter macros? Specifically, Sun Messaging Server sets {optin} macro for the messages and I'd like to check the value of it in the policy.

If that's not possible, what options do I have to pass information from SJMS to Puremessage? I tried to add a custom header but it seems that the milter checks get done before the addition of the header.


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  • Hey Eino,

    JSMS is the least used MTA with PMX.  I would encourage you to open a Feature Request with support outlining how you would like to use JSMS with the milter.  We can consider this for a future release.  Did you modify PMX product code to achieve your needs?



  • Hey Eino,

    JSMS is the least used MTA with PMX.  I would encourage you to open a Feature Request with support outlining how you would like to use JSMS with the milter.  We can consider this for a future release.  Did you modify PMX product code to achieve your needs?



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