SANDSTORM questions

Where is Sandstorm activity logged in real-time?

How often is the sandstorm Activities updated?

  • Hello Martin,

    Sandstorm activity is logged in three places:

    - Under "Today’s Threat Status" Widget, there is a row that displays how many items have been detected a malicious

    Advanced Protection:
    - Under "Advanced Protection Statistics - Today" the summary information for today's sandstorm activity

    Advanced Protection > Sophos Sandstorm > Sandbox Activity:
    - Displays information for all sandstormed items

    The Dashboard at most tales 5 mins to update.

    The Advanced Protection summary sources information for 2 locations, some of which take at most 5 mins to update, others that take at most 30 seconds to update.
    Items that take at most 5 mins to update: Suspicious files, Excluded by policy, Malicious, Clean.
    Items that take at most 30 sec to update: Awaiting result, Sent for analysis, Average analysis time

    The Sandbox Activity page is updated in real-time, technically speaking it has at most a 30 second delay.

  • I have enabled sandstorm in mail and web, but all activity pages still show all zero's??


    Best regards

    Sophos XGS 2100 @ Home | Sophos v20 Technician

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