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Sophos AP-30 layer 1 down after license upgrade on sg105?

Good Morning/Afternoon,

This is a strange issue or an unusual coincidence.No matter what I tried, layer 1 is down for the AP-30. The AP-30 is receiving power from a power injector that's been working for several years. The wireless radio and power lights are one but not the ethernet light. 




I have a sg105 with home license on it and latest UTM version. I had to renew the license last night. I backed up the config prior to installing the license. Apparently I downloaded the firewall license instead of the UTM home license so I lost access to everything.

I had to go into CLI and allow all networks to get to the webadmin and hardwired in with a laptop to login and fix the license.

The license is now fine with wireless security enabled . However, the layer 1 was down to the AP. The SG105 doesn't detect it any device connected, nor see link light on the ethernet port of the sg105. I verified it does work with a laptop, and gets IP via dhcp like it should. I verified the cables and cabling is good between the AP, power injector and SG105.

I then decided to restore the config to the old version that I backed up . I restored via the GUI. Apparently this bricked the device as no ethernet ports were lighting up anymore and the CLI username/passwords weren't working. So I had to do a password recovery from CLI and then had to restore the auto back up from a few days earlier also from CLI.  This ended up restoring everything to normal except the layer 1 was still down to the AP.

Next I updated the license again since the wireless security was grayed out completely. It's now back to where I started where the layer 1 is down to the AP but everything works ok if I'm hard wired to SG105 ethernet ports.


I have a hard time believing the injector or AP died suddenly for ethernet . I can't try the AP flash/restore software program that sophos has available because it requires an external power source and the ethernet plugged into your PC directly.

Really annoying stuff here but any tips or ideas are much appreciated!


thank you!

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  • "It's now back to where I started where the layer 1 is down to the AP but everything works ok if I'm hard wired to SG105 ethernet ports."

    Do you mean that the AP works correctly when there's an Ethernet cable with one end plugged into the UTM and the other plugged into the AP?

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Good Morning/Afternoon Bob!


    No unfortunately the ethernet connection is still down between the AP and any ethernet ports on the sg105. I normally have it connected to eth0 . The NIC lights don't turn on nothing is recognized. At this point, I can't think of anything else to try besides swapping out the AP with a home wireless router in AP mode. 

  • I see an AP 30 on eBay that's about $80 with shipping.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Thank you Bob! I was thinking the same. I'm seeing there's not much point in using 3rd party routers or APs to serve up the wireless as I would lose all the filtering and control that UTM offers. 

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