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LDAP groups with FreeIPA

I've been able to connect my UTM 9.3 to FreeIPA 3.3.x for basic user/password authentication to the web portal and ssl client vpn.  However, I've been unable to get the UTM to use the user groups on FreeIPA to determine a user's access to an object.  I suspect the problem has to do with FreeIPA using nested groups.  I'm wondering if anyone has solved this, perhaps even using a version of Active Directory or other backend?  Thanks for any tips!

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  • There ARE critical holes in the documentation, which I and others have tried to address as we have learned the product.   Everyone needs to read most everything in the wiki, to deploy the product securely, because of what is not in the manual. Additional resources are pinned to the top of most forum sections.   So keep reading

    But at the dane time, show gratitude that home users have access to such a powerful priduct for free.