Hi, I have a webserver running on port 80 running a standard PHP application that I'm attempting to use as a test to get the WebServer Protection feature working on my UTM. The UTM is running 9.209-8.
I set up the "Real Webserver" using the definition for the server on the internal network. Then I set up the virtual server. I used the external IP address that the server should be reached on. Port is set to 80. For domain I used ourdomain.com (not real name obviously) and the server FQDN is registered in our public DNS. I also tried setting the full dns name of the server under domain rather than just the ourdomain.com.
For now I have no firewall profile selected, although I also tried this with base and got the same result. I get the login page for the web server, but there are no graphics and all the page formatting is gone. Only the form for user name and password and a little text. It appears the graphics are being blocked but I don't see a reason for that in the real time log.
Does anyone have an idea why the page displays fine internally but not on the Internet? I've tried all the different options I can think of in setting up the application firewall.
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