2014:03:01-09:06:23 asg06-1 reverseproxy: [Sat Mar 01 09:06:23.636396 2014] [mpm_worker:notice] [pid 29897:tid 4147971776] AH00295: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
2014:03:01-09:01:54 asg06-1 reverseproxy: [Sat Mar 01 09:01:54.201926 2014] [core:notice] [pid 29897:tid 4147971776] AH00051: child pid 31760 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in /tmp
2014:03:01-09:01:52 asg06-1 reverseproxy: [Sat Mar 01 09:01:52.934048 2014] [xml2enc:error] [pid 31760:tid 3830147952] (70008)Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete: [client 65.19.xx.xx:31904] AH01445: Failed to convert input; trying it raw
2014:03:01-09:01:52 asg06-1 reverseproxy: [Sat Mar 01 09:01:52.837250 2014] [deflate:error] [pid 31760:tid 3821755248] [client] AH01385: Zlib error -2 flushing zlib output buffer ((null)), referer: http://www.******xx.***.xx/*********xx.php?cat=28 2014:03:01-09:01:52 asg06-1 reverseproxy: srcip="201.***.xx.xx" localip="168.***.***.***" size="49" user="-" host="201.***.xx.xx" method="GET" statuscode="200" reason="-" extra="-" time="23062" url="/***x.php" server="******.***.xx" referer="www.******x.***.***/acercadnosotros.php
AH01385 is a known issue [Mantis ID 25235 ] that was planned to be fixed in 9.109, Is there a way to check if it was fixed?
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