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Intermediate Certificate


i have a SSL Cert signed by Globalsign. Its correctly configured in my apache configuration (cert, key and intermediate). I exported the certificate to the certificate storage of the firewall but how can i use the intermediate certificate?

In some browsers i still get a certificate error depending on the missing intermediate cert in cert chain. 

Anyone an idea?

Thanks (hope my english was not to bad)!

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Parents Reply
  • I couldn't get yours to work.  Not sure it liked the double -certfile commands.  However, when I upload the one I created to the UTM it does create the root and int CA so they are there.  I think the problem is when it's uploaded you end up with only the site cert in /var/sec/chroot-httpd/etc/httpd/WebAdminCert.pem with no Int or Root CA info.  I ended up creating my own WebAdminCert.pem file, uploaded it into /tmp using SCP, backed up the file that was there and copied mine over.  Then I ran: /etc/init.d/httpd restart 

    Now when I use to test the chain is all there.


