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Solution for pulling Let's Encryp Certificates from UTM to Linux Webserver?


I m trying to wrap my brain arround this, how do you guys handle internal access to webservers? We run multiple webservers in our networks (also at home an owncloud for e.g.) in a sperate subnet that we access directly by public dns resolved to the internal IP. So we installed certbots on each server and uploaded the certificates to the UTM/WAF. Works ok for now.

Now with the 9.6 it would be a good idea to generate the LE certs on the UTM and then download them to the webservers and do a reload of the webserver. Has anyone a solution for this?

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  • Yes, thats what I was thinking, a member here on the board (scorpionking) seems to have a bash script to pull the certs by rest.

    I would prefer to get that going, the working solution with the bots is semi ok, we upload the certs manually right now, we never got a script running because the file names always changed.