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Can a Sophos Web App help with access to company website when domain has the same name?

Need some help!

I inherited an old problem of having our company domain and website with the same name. In order for employees to access our company website in the past we setup a DNS A record pointing www to the external IP address.

That broke yesterday when our website provider switched to https with a random IP address based on load balancing for their server. Moving target...

A colleague suggested maybe a Sophos Web app could proxy to our external site. I'm lost how this would work.

Other than probably a better long term fix of changing our company website URL, I have no solution. Our employees cannot connect to our company website.

Any help anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.




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  • Greetings Bob,

    I inherited an active directory network where the domain and website have the same name.  The company that hosts our website externally switched to https and is now issuing IP addresses randomly based on a server load balancer. This broke internal employee access to our company website. We used the old external static address with a "WWW" DNS A record to fix this before. Now that the IP address is random the DNS A record won't work. 

    We're still working on a solution. I called the website provider this morning to get more guidance on how the IP addresses our handed out. I need to understand if they are totally random or if our company got assigned an IP block that all points to our website for example.