MAIN http > http_loopback_detect$
Syntax error, or no such command, node, array, hash or scalar.
CTO, Convergent Information Security Solutions, LLC
Sophos Platinum Partner
Advice given as posted on this forum does not construe a support relationship or other relationship with Convergent Information Security Solutions, LLC or its subsidiaries. Use the advice given at your own risk.
CTO, Convergent Information Security Solutions, LLC
Sophos Platinum Partner
Advice given as posted on this forum does not construe a support relationship or other relationship with Convergent Information Security Solutions, LLC or its subsidiaries. Use the advice given at your own risk.
Also, this is a soft-release, so bear in mind, I would not recommend putting it on production systems unless you really, really, need this fixed today. Sophos generally, unless there is a show-stopper, pushes out the GA releases of updates a week or 2 after the soft-release.