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Understand network use


I am currently analyzing the traffic of my network and I am not understanding this:

In the report by network use always guided me from the WAN interface. Is this fine?

According to the WAN report, my greatest use of bandwidth is in upload and it remains at 6 Mbps, much more than my download speed:

However, in the service reports it shows me that I have had much more consumption in download than upload:

(Port 37777 and 37779 I use it for my NVR of security cameras)

I do not understand why I have 29 GB of download and 1.5 GB of upload if in the network use report it indicates that I am using 6 Mbps in a stable way and the upload speed is totally unstable.

Can you help me understand this?


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  • Hi Gerardo,

    first thing to mention is that the Table Heads in Bandwith Usage Report are a little bit missleading


    Numbers 4, 6, 8, 10

    are TOTAL Numbers not some average or peak value

    the %-Character is a new column

    therefore 5,7,9,11

    are percent values and show how many percent of traffic this line mades compared to the rest of the table.

    IN=WAN to LAN

    OUT=LAN to WAN

    WAN=interfaces with default gateway

    LAN=all other interfaces

    5 refers to 4 (Percent IN)

    7 refers to 6 (Percent OUT)

    9 refers to 8 (Percent TOTAL (IN+OUT))

    11 refers to 10 (Percent Connections)


    gerardo josic rodriguez paredes said:
    I do not understand why I have 29 GB of download and 1.5 GB of upload if in the network use report it indicates that I am using 6 Mbps in a stable way and the upload speed is totally unstable.


    6 MBps throughput 11 Hours Runtime ~= 29GB



    Your Network Usage Diagram is kind of confusing - let me interpret:

    i assume your Interfaces are labled correct

    timeframe is 19:30 to 11:25

    WAN Interface (eth1):

    nearly no inbound Traffic (quite rare for WAN Links if they are used for websurfing, only common if this wan link is only used to publish your Servers)

    lot of outbound Traffic (6Mbps)

    LAN Interface (eth0):

    Same ammount of inbound Traffic as outbound on WAN (6MBps)


    do you have any internal client who use a NAT or WAF published Service hosted on an external IP which original destination resides in a DMZ connected to an internal Port which is not eth0?


    Yours Lukas


    SCA (utm+xg), SCSE, SCT

    Sophos Platinum Partner