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Sophos UTM - AWS: Connecting with multiple VPCs

Hi folks,


I have 4 VPCs in AWS

I need to forward my all outbound traffic through sophos UTM which available in AWS marketplace.

So, Can I launch one sophos UTM in any of the VPC, and connect other VPCS with this sophos?



All the Instances which are available in different VPCs need to pass through a Single Sophos UTM.


I tried out this, it's not happen to me

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  • Did you get an AWS subnet assigned to you?  Or, do you just let AWS assign addresses to your VPC's?

    If you have them all in one subnet I would say that you should be able to do this.  If the addresses are random, I cannot see how this can be done as you described.


  • I had already done with a single VPC, its working fine.

    But some of my applications in other vpc. So I just want to forward my outbound traffic through this current UTM which is on other VPC



    Mohamed Jawad