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Reviving a RED 15W

I have a RED 15W that out of the box was stuck in a firmware update failure loop. The four main lights would cycle back and forth. The system light would flash red along with the other three flashing green and then reboot.

Sophos support replaced it the next day but they said to recycle the 'old' one. This was very surprising to me so I figured it would be fun to look under the hood.

With the console cable attached; I observed the following right at the end of the firmware download process:


Something similar happened with a new AP 15C, I was able to use the methods outlined here to revive it:

I have not been able find anything similar for the RED 15W. Anyone have any ideas?

My first concern is the I/O errors listed in the screenshot of the console. Do these appear to be hardware or software related? This is not an area I am familiar with. If there is obvious hardware issues then there does not seem to be any point in looking further.

One could try these steps to convert to OpenWRT

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