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Open Resolver Check

I've been experiencing Open DNS Resolver attacks and would like to ensure my UTM isn't acting as an open resolver. I've tested through following means

  • dig +short TXT MYIP
    • Running this from outside the network returns ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
      • This is because only open dns IP addresses are allowed through port 53.
  • nmap -sU -p 53 -sV -P0 --script "dns-recursion" UTMInternalIP

53/udp open domain NetWare dnsd
|_dns-recursion: Recursion appears to be enabled

So at this point, I pretty much believe the UTM is acting as an open resolver. I'd like to find out how to disable recursion on my UTM as I am not able to find named.conf or /etc/bind/named.conf.


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  • The bind configuration files are found in
    directory. The files you want to edit are named.conf and named.conf-default.

    Recursion has been enabled in the UTM ever since I can remember. Are you are only listening to your LAN hosts? Unless you have ANY/ External address etc under network services->DNS-> Allowed networks then you would not fail open resolver test.

    You don't need to open port 53 to allow open dns??? A little confused on this point. Stateful firewalls don't need ports opened in both directions, besides DNS forwarder section is used for what you are trying to do. Just use Open DNS as your forwarder in the settings  network services->DNS->Forwarders and remove all port 53 firewall rules.

    Follow this guide. if you have any other questions.

    Keep in mind, ANY changes you make void your support, also most of these files are overwritten anytime they upgrade those daemons via up2date.

  • Thanks for the reply Billybob. I will go ahead and remove port 53 rules since I am already using OpenDNS as my forwarder. I only have local networks under Allowed Networks.
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