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Joining the domain failed.

Having an awful time trying to add the UTM to the domain. 

Running  9.106-17

Tried setting the DNS forwarders, ping finds domain and domain controller

AD Server added fine and working. 

Hostname is utm.pps.local 

SSO Page tried: 

Domain: utm.pps.local / UTM.PPS.LOCAL / UTM / PPS.LOCAL / pps.local

tried pre-adding the computer to the domain and tried pre-adding as pre-2000 computer. 

utm.pps.local in DNS fine. 

AD Server is Server 2012 R2

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  • Yes, I know this is an old thread, but the problem is still relevant. After disabling SMB v1 on servers yesterday in response to closing vulnerabilities that WannaCry ransomware takes advantage of, authentication  for web filtering starting breaking. Long story short, even today 2017 running UTM 9.500-9, UTM 9 is STILL USING SMB V1!  Come on Sophos, this needs to be fixed. 

    With smbv1 disabled on AD servers, the UTM cannot join the domain. As soon as you re-enable SMBv1, the domain join works fine.

  • Please open a support ticket, James.

    In fact, everyone should do this now if you have a similar problem.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA