No IMAP connection to Grommunio Mail Sever behind Sophos sg125w

I had a sg105w rev1 which broke after a recent update. So I updated to a newer sg125w rev3. So far so good.

Unfortunately I hadn't made any backups - or at least not downloaded or email them. So the last was from 2019.
However I wasn't able to remember the right password. Long story short: I needed to setup the sg from scratch.

Now after having setup DNAT vom "any" for "IMAP SSL" to my Grommunio as new destination when traffic comes
to the sg125w itself I see the traffic going from (my Macbook) to (my sg125w).

For some unknown reason that seems to be not enough. Mac Mail isn't able to establish any connection to Grommunio.
NAT LAN>WAN is enabled as well as IPv6 (which is mandatory for Grommunio). Also my eth0 has an IPv6 address.

As well as the Grommunio server - which has and also his IPv6 address in static address on the SG.
I really have no clue why connections are established correctly through the SG to my Grommunio - but I got no mails.

Does anyone has any idea? I also (because I saw traffic on 585 - which is an old Win2000 port for IMAP SSL) setup
a DNAT for any>585>sg125w which alters the traffic to 993>grommunio. But that didn't solve the problem at all.

Any ideas?