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After updating to 9.501-5 SSO for HTTP authentication failed and domain join not working.

UTM 9.501-5

Windows server 2012 domain controller.

I installed the 9.5 update on June 2, did not see any issues with this for the client, updated to 9.501-5 on June 12 midnight, and Internet access is failing on multiple sites.

Can get to

Cannot get to - Too many http redirects message.

Turned off web filtering and the websites were available - but the client requires filtering.

Re-enabled and turned off AD SSO authentication and websites are available again with correct content being blocked.

Attempted to remove from and rejoin domain, but domain join failed.


Currently, I have the client functioning, but, I need to rejoin AD and resume SSO authentication.


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Parents Reply
  • I hadn't thought to look for it until you asked, Martin.  The following is a fictitious example:

    cc ad_join_domain DOMAIN.LOCAL adminbob G3d0utahere!

    DOMAIN.LOCAL - Active Directory domain name
    adminbob - Administrative username in AD
    G3d0utahere! - Password in AD for adminbob - IP Address of Domain controller

    That can take awhile depending on your hardware and connection.  A result of 1 means the join was successful, 0 means it failed.

    If you want to do that in a cron job, use /usr/local/bin/confd-client.plx instead of cc.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
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