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UTM 9 up2date stuck on version 9.352-6 and pattern 94753

My software based Home UTM 9 is stuck on version 9.352-6 and pattern 94753. The dashboard says I have "3 Update(s) available for download". But when I go to the Up2Date page it says: "Current firmware version: 9.352-6" - "Your firmware is up to date." and "Current pattern version: 94753" - "Your patterns are up to date."

I tried to download and install manually the "u2d-sys-9.353004-354004.tgz.gpg" file from but... after installation and reboot its still says I have v9.352-6 and pattern 94753 and that I have "I have "3 Update(s) available for download".

So I am wondering if there is a trick to getting up2date (or manual installations) to work again. They have always worked fine in the past on this box and I have been using UTM 9 for several years without issue.

Any help or suggestions would be great!!

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  • "3 Update(s) available for download" indicates that you have configured "Manual" for 'Firmware Download Interval'.  On the 'Firmware' tab, click on 'Check for Up2Date packages now'.  If you had selected an interval, try toggling it to "Manual" and then back.  Depending on your download speed, you'll need to wait awhile to see what happens.

    Cheers - Bob

    PS Up2Dates must be applied in order. 9.353004-354004 cannot be applied to a UTM running 9.352.

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Thanks for your reply.

    Both of the "Firmware Download Interval" and the "Pattern Download/Installation Interval" are both set to "Every 15 minutes" and I have never changed those settings to manual. I can try the switching those to "manual" and back to "every 15 minutes". That would be great if it was that easy!!

    Also, under the "Available Firmware Up2Dates" on the "Up2Date' page it says "There are no Up2Date packages available for installation" ... which is obviously is NOT correct.

    As for manually attempting to update the firmware...
    I was aware that they need to be applied in order.  I just missed that the patch number was not same on the 9.352 download file as what I my UTM has as the current version. I saw the 9.352006 just jumped to the next file after it. I see now I need to to try to install "u2d-sys-9.352006-353004" before I can try installing "9.353004-354004".

    Thanks! I will give those two things a try.

  • Sorry for all the back to back posts.... but I am kind of struggling here. I haven't been able to figure out what files to clean up/remove to regain the lost space.

    So I was wondering since I have plenty of space on some of the other partitions does anyone know if I can use something like gParted (partition editor) to just reallocate enough space so up2date can start running again?


  • Try, from the command line: du -shx /var/storage/*

    What does that give you?

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Bob, when I ran that command I got back this:

    /root # du -shx /var/storage/*
    16K     /var/storage/agent
    88M     /var/storage/chroot-clientlessvpn
    4.0M    /var/storage/chroot-ftp
    148M    /var/storage/chroot-http
    17M     /var/storage/chroot-pop3
    26M     /var/storage/chroot-reverseproxy
    69M     /var/storage/chroot-smtp
    271M    /var/storage/cores
    16K     /var/storage/lost+found
    32K     /var/storage/pgsql
    1.8G    /var/storage/pgsql92
    2.1G    /var/storage/swapfile

    So it looks like the pgsql92 and the swapfile are hogging up most of the space.

    Any suggestions?

  • First, it looks like you have this installed on a disk that is too small.

    You probably can remove all of the core dumps in /var/storage/cores.  Be careful in /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog that you don't delete anything with a time stamp equal to or newer that on archive_status.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Thanks Bob for the info.

    My UTM box has been running fine with the 120 GB drive for a couple years now. And the HD size wasn't an issue until the 1st of the year (Jan 2016) when some files started growing very fast and chewing up space.

    Also your statement about the size of my HDD is kind of surprising since the "UTM 9.3 quick start guide" PDF states in the "Minimum Hardware Requirements" section that "20 GB hard disk drive (40 GB recommended)"... and my drive 3x the "recommended" size.

    Maybe its time to rebuild using a bigger disk...  so if 120 GB is too small what size HDD would be "REALLY" recommended??

    But until I have a chance to do that...

    Here is the output from the "/var/storage/cores/*"...  so can I just do a "rm*"  command in that "cores" directory?

    /var/storage/cores # du -shx /var/storage/cores/*
    24M     /var/storage/cores/admin-reporter..4233
    215M    /var/storage/cores/cssd.12817
    12M     /var/storage/cores/
    1.8M    /var/storage/cores/ipv6_watchdog.4256
    20M     /var/storage/cores/ulogd.4058

    If so, looks like I will gain back a couple hundred MBs at least...

    Thanks again for sticking with me on this!!!

  • I would first do ls -l /var/storage/cores to check that you don't have a recent core dump you might want to keep for Support.

    You say, "And the HD size wasn't an issue until the 1st of the year (Jan 2016) when some files started growing very fast and chewing up space."  Do you know where that was?  Do you have any Reporting on when the partition started to grow?  Can you show us the graph?

    Again, you'll probably want to delete some of the pgsql92 files as I mentioned above, but do so carefully with my warning above in mind.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Bob,

    I am sorry but I am a bit of a noob with the inner workings so more details on this statement would be greatly appreciated: "Be careful in /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog that you don't delete anything with a time stamp equal to or newer that on archive_status."

    When you said "be careful"... I read it as "stay away from".  So how and where do I see the "archive_status" time stamp? And any other specifics would be helpful.

    (And yes, I will backup my config before deleting anything.)

    Also, should a 120 GB HDD be big enough for a 5 user site? My Logs directory is hardly touched... its really ROOT which is almost completely full.

    Here is the image of my Storage graph...

    As always.... THANKS for your help!!

  • Run ls -l /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog - you will see that there is a sub-directory archive_status.

    Yes, 120GB should be enough for five users.

    Show us the results of the version command and of df.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Here you go...

    :/ # version
    Current software version...: 9.352006
    Hardware type..............: Software Appliance
    Installation image.........: 9.004-33.1
    Installation type..........: asg
    Installed pattern version..: 94753
    Downloaded pattern version.: 94753
    Up2Dates applied...........: 37 (see below)
                                 sys-9.004-9.004-33.34.1.tgz (Mar 10  2013)
                                 sys-9.004-9.005-29.15.2.tgz (Mar 10  2013)
                                 sys-9.005-9.005-15.16.1.tgz (Mar 10  2013)
                                 sys-9.005-9.006-15.5.2.tgz (Apr 16  2013)
                                 sys-9.006-9.100-5.16.1.tgz (May 20  2013)
                                 sys-9.100-9.101-16.12.1.tgz (Jun 12  2013)
                                 sys-9.101-9.102-11.8.2.tgz (Jul  3  2013)
                                 sys-9.102-9.103-8.5.2.tgz (Nov 18  2013)
                                 sys-9.103-9.104-5.17.2.tgz (Nov 18  2013)
                                 sys-9.104-9.105-17.9.1.tgz (Nov 18  2013)
                                 sys-9.105-9.106-9.17.1.tgz (Nov 18  2013)
                                 sys-9.106-9.107-17.33.2.tgz (Jan 20  2014)
                                 sys-9.107-9.108-33.23.2.tgz (Mar 26  2014)
                                 sys-9.108-9.109-23.1.2.tgz (Mar 26  2014)
                                 sys-9.109-9.110-1.22.1.tgz (Apr 13  2014)
                                 sys-9.110-9.111-22.7.1.tgz (Apr 13  2014)
                                 sys-9.111-9.111-7.11.1.tgz (Jul 28  2014)
                                 sys-9.111-9.112-7.12.1.tgz (Jul 28  2014)
                                 sys-9.112-9.113-12.1.2.tgz (Jul 28  2014)
                                 sys-9.113-9.203-1.3.1.tgz (Jul 28  2014)
                                 sys-9.203-9.204-3.20.1.tgz (Jul 28  2014)
                                 sys-9.204-9.205-20.12.1.tgz (Sep 14  2014)
                                 sys-9.205-9.206-12.35.1.tgz (Sep 14  2014)
                                 sys-9.206-9.207-35.19.2.tgz (Jan 19  2015)
                                 sys-9.207-9.208-19.8.5.tgz (Jan 19  2015)
                                 sys-9.208-9.209-8.8.1.tgz (Jan 19  2015)
                                 sys-9.209-9.210-8.20.1.tgz (Jan 19  2015)
                                 sys-9.210-9.304-20.9.2.tgz (Jan 26  2015)
                                 sys-9.304-9.305-9.4.1.tgz (Jan 26  2015)
                                 sys-9.305-9.306-4.6.1.tgz (Jan 26  2015)
                                 sys-9.306-9.307-6.6.1.tgz (Mar  6  2015)
                                 sys-9.307-9.308-6.16.2.tgz (Mar  6  2015)
                                 sys-9.308-9.309-16.3.1.tgz (Mar 11  2015)
                                 sys-9.309-9.310-3.11.1.tgz (May 10  2015)
                                 sys-9.310-9.311-11.3.1.tgz (Jun  2  2015)
                                 sys-9.311-9.312-3.8.1.tgz (Jun  2  2015)
                                 sys-9.312-9.313-8.3.1.tgz (Jul  9  2015)
    Up2Dates available.........: 0
    Factory resets.............: 0
    Timewarps detected.........: 0


    :/ # df
    Filesystem     1K-blocks        Used     Available    Use%    Mounted on
    /dev/sda6         5412452   4883672       230800      96%     /
    udev                  1669276               80      1669196       1%    /dev
    tmpfs                 1669276                 0      1669276       0%    /dev/shm
    /dev/sda1            338875        24774        292085       8%    /boot
    /dev/sda5       42628172    4373268   35957868      11%    /var/storage
    /dev/sda7       55903552       298328   52600092       1%    /var/log
    /dev/sda8          2559076           5908     2403460       1%     /tmp
    tmpfs                 1669276                  0      1669276       0%    /var/sec/chroot-httpd/dev/shm
    tmpfs                 1669276                  0      1669276       0%    /var/storage/chroot-reverseproxy/dev/shm
    tmpfs                 1669276                  8      1669268       1%    /var/storage/chroot-smtp/tmp/ram

  • sorry...  back to back posts again...

    From this ls -l /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog... i got back lots of row of entries like the examples below (I shortened the list quite a bit).

    So you are saying I could do the "rm 000000010000004600000041" command on entries like this? ( the may 1st entry for example )

    But I should stay away from the May 6th entries since "archive_status" is also "May 6"? ( ignoring the time stamp for now just to be safe )

    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 13:20 00000001000000460000003E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 14:35 00000001000000460000003F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 14:56 000000010000004600000040
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  1 23:32 000000010000004600000041
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 00:14 000000010000004600000042
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 01:05 000000010000004600000043
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 01:47 000000010000004600000044
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 02:27 000000010000004600000045
    drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    12288 May  6 14:39 archive_status
    cronkright:/ #

  • sorry...  back to back posts again...

    From this ls -l /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog... i got back lots of row of entries like the examples below (I shortened the list quite a bit).

    So you are saying I could do the "rm 000000010000004600000041" command on entries like this? ( the may 1st entry for example )

    But I should stay away from the May 6th entries since "archive_status" is also "May 6"? ( ignoring the time stamp for now just to be safe )

    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 13:20 00000001000000460000003E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 14:35 00000001000000460000003F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 14:56 000000010000004600000040
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  1 23:32 000000010000004600000041
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 00:14 000000010000004600000042
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 01:05 000000010000004600000043
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 01:47 000000010000004600000044
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  2 02:27 000000010000004600000045
    drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    12288 May  6 14:39 archive_status
    cronkright:/ #

  • With only eight files, it's not worth deleting anything.  Usually, these problems are associated with either the cores or pgsql92 directory, but I just reread the thread and noticed that you picked up near the beginning on the /dev/sda6 problem that I just saw above.  What do you get from du -shx /*

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • No No No... I edited the list the down to ask the question about the dates compared to "archive_status" folder...

    Here is the full list from running "ls -l /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog":

    :/root #  ls -l /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog
    total 1736716
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 05:02 000000010000004600000023
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 06:40 000000010000004600000024
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 06:40 000000010000004600000025
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 06:54 000000010000004600000026
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 08:59 000000010000004600000027
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 10:30 000000010000004600000028
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 11:47 000000010000004600000029
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 13:01 00000001000000460000002A
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 14:13 00000001000000460000002B
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 15:19 00000001000000460000002C
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 16:20 00000001000000460000002D
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 17:17 00000001000000460000002E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 18:17 00000001000000460000002F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 18:40 000000010000004600000030
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 18:40 000000010000004600000031
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 19:23 000000010000004600000032
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 21:14 000000010000004600000033
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 22:39 000000010000004600000034
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 00:32 000000010000004600000035
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 03:11 000000010000004600000036
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 05:50 000000010000004600000037
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 06:40 000000010000004600000038
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 06:40 000000010000004600000039
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 07:44 00000001000000460000003A
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 09:41 00000001000000460000003B
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 10:52 00000001000000460000003C
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 12:05 00000001000000460000003D
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 13:20 00000001000000460000003E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 14:35 00000001000000460000003F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 15:47 000000010000004600000040
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 17:39 000000010000004600000041
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 18:40 000000010000004600000042
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 18:40 000000010000004600000043
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 18:59 000000010000004600000044
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 20:05 000000010000004600000045
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 21:15 000000010000004600000046
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 22:20 000000010000004600000047
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  6 23:25 000000010000004600000048
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 00:41 000000010000004600000049
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 02:20 00000001000000460000004A
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 04:01 00000001000000460000004B
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 05:40 00000001000000460000004C
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 06:40 00000001000000460000004D
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 06:40 00000001000000460000004E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 07:04 00000001000000460000004F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 08:24 000000010000004600000050
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 09:32 000000010000004600000051
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 10:45 000000010000004600000052
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 11:57 000000010000004600000053
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 13:19 000000010000004600000054
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 14:41 000000010000004600000055
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 15:51 000000010000004600000056
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 16:51 000000010000004600000057
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 17:51 000000010000004600000058
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 18:40 000000010000004600000059
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 18:40 00000001000000460000005A
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 19:02 00000001000000460000005B
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 20:06 00000001000000460000005C
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 21:02 00000001000000460000005D
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 22:02 00000001000000460000005E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 22:57 00000001000000460000005F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  7 23:59 000000010000004600000060
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 01:35 000000010000004600000061
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 03:09 000000010000004600000062
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 04:42 000000010000004600000063
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 06:24 000000010000004600000064
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 06:40 000000010000004600000065
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 06:40 000000010000004600000066
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 07:39 000000010000004600000067
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 09:00 000000010000004600000068
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 10:22 000000010000004600000069
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 11:50 00000001000000460000006A
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 12:48 00000001000000460000006B
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 13:58 00000001000000460000006C
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 15:07 00000001000000460000006D
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 16:15 00000001000000460000006E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 17:23 00000001000000460000006F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 18:40 000000010000004600000070
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 18:40 000000010000004600000071
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 18:49 000000010000004600000072
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 19:52 000000010000004600000073
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 21:01 000000010000004600000074
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 22:02 000000010000004600000075
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  8 23:11 000000010000004600000076
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 01:02 000000010000004600000077
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 03:00 000000010000004600000078
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 04:50 000000010000004600000079
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 06:37 00000001000000460000007A
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 06:40 00000001000000460000007B
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 06:40 00000001000000460000007C
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 07:25 00000001000000460000007D
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 08:39 00000001000000460000007E
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 09:47 00000001000000460000007F
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 10:50 000000010000004600000080
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 11:55 000000010000004600000081
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 12:56 000000010000004600000082
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 14:02 000000010000004600000083
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 15:10 000000010000004600000084
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 16:10 000000010000004600000085
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 17:20 000000010000004600000086
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  9 17:22 000000010000004600000087
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  4 19:04 000000010000004600000088
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  4 20:33 000000010000004600000089
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  4 21:51 00000001000000460000008A
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  4 23:39 00000001000000460000008B
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 May  5 02:35 00000001000000460000008C
    drwx------ 2 postgres postgres    12288 May  9 17:20 archive_status

  • ... and here is the "du -shx /*" you asked for...

    :/ # du -shx /*
    6.9M    /bin
    23M     /boot
    80K     /dev
    2.1M    /doc
    85M     /etc
    0       /fsck_corrected_errors
    12K     /home
    0       /inst
    140M    /lib
    16K     /lost+found
    8.0K    /media
    4.0K    /mnt
    268K    /opt
    du: cannot access `/proc/8786/task/8786/fd/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access `/proc/8786/task/8786/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access `/proc/8786/fd/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access `/proc/8786/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    0       /proc
    72K     /root
    4.0K    /run
    7.1M    /sbin
    0       /sys
    2.0M    /tmp
    824M    /usr
    3.7G    /var

  • You will definitely want to run

    rm /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog/00000001000000460000002?
    rm /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog/00000001000000460000003?
    rm /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog/00000001000000460000004?
    rm /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog/00000001000000460000005?
    rm /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog/00000001000000460000006?
    rm /var/storage/pgsql92/data/pg_xlog/00000001000000460000007?

    Based on your last post, there's more like 20 or 40 GB on this hard drive, not 120.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • So does that mean the UTM installer did not use the whole HDD when it created the initial partitions?

  • So after all of this I am still unclear how to resolve this problem. At this point I am wondering if my best option will be to backup my config and reinstall??

    Now it says "7 Update(s) available for download"... uggggh!!


  • I would re-install with a different hard drive.  This one appears to have something that confused the installer.  This is the first time I've heard of the installer using less than a full drive.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • UPDATE - (with success to boot!!)

    So after months of struggling with this issue (and being 7 updates behind)... my UTM 9 is finally UP2DATE and CURRENT!

    So I was preparing for the big re-install. UTM Config backed up. Check. Printable Config downloaded (300 pages as PDF). Check, All 3 available install package .iso files downloaded from Sophos. Check. All the update2date packages I needed downloaded  (40+/-) (just in case I had to rebuild from the lowest .iso full install version to match the the version of my config backup file.) from . Check. Backup router in place so I still had internet access. Check.

    So as an experiment since  i was blowing away my current install anyway... I decided to try gParted to increase the size of the ROOT partition (FYI. Acronis Disk Director 12 wouldn't even touch it.)

    gParted ROCKS! Using gParted I was able to decrease the size of my LOGS partition which was barely even 1% full by 15 GB and then use that unallocated space to increase the size of my ROOT partition (which was almost completely full.) Also, I did not touch any other partitions... especially the DB partition!!

    NOTE: I was not able to do all the steps in gParted at one time. That failed. But when I tried again doing each step ( resize-move-resize ) as a separate operation it worked like a charm!!.

    When I plugged the drive back into my UTM box to start it up I was sort of expecting to get the FATAL ERROR something like Drive Corrupt or something similar....

    But it my UTM 9 booted fine!!! I was back in the UTM WebAdmin before I new it. And it showed my ROOT as only 23+/-% full.

    So from there I clicked the "Check for Updates" Button.... and after a few minutes the list of available downloads populated.

    Once again... I could not just jump to the latest version but I had to click each install package one by one... and wait for it to install and reboot. (..kind of painfull.)

    But after each reboot my available updates list would get shorter... and my current version would increase.

    Watching the update2date live logs during the installs... there were a couple failed installs along the way. But by the end I was able to get all 7 install packages installed and my current version .... is actually CURRENT!!

    ... I still have some available time today. So I am going to keep an eye on things and I am still ready for a complete reinstall if need. But at least my BACKUP config file now matches the latest full install .iso
