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Private User hitting IP limit of Home use license. where can i buy a license?

Hi there!

I am struggeling a bit to acquire a license for my UTM Firewall. I am a home user who hit the 50 IP address limit.

I reached out to sophos through their chat on the website and explained my situation. They told me i can buy a license through partners and directed me to the website where i can find them. I reached out to them and asked for a license but got turned down: "We dont sell licenses to private customers" and i should contact sophos for this.

Sophos again pointed me to the partners. Do you know if there is a license i could buy?

I am happy with what the UTM does and with what is included with the home license: except for the address limit. I have a lot of iot devices which are very important to me since they keep a very big reeftank alive.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • Save yourself the headache.

    If XG makes any sense to you, go for it.  But note there are severe hardware limitations in terms of cpu and ram.  The flow of the entire system is idiotic to say the least. Also, it's still not feature parity to UTM (doubt it ever will be).

    UTM will be discontinued entirely in less than 3 years - 6/2026 is the official eol date.

    Give pfsense a try. It has a steeper learning curve than utm, but is ultimately more versatile. There's a  large community for support, inc reddit and netgate's own forum.  No hardware/user limitations.

  • Save yourself the headache.

    If XG makes any sense to you, go for it.  But note there are severe hardware limitations in terms of cpu and ram.  The flow of the entire system is idiotic to say the least. Also, it's still not feature parity to UTM (doubt it ever will be).

    UTM will be discontinued entirely in less than 3 years - 6/2026 is the official eol date.

    Give pfsense a try. It has a steeper learning curve than utm, but is ultimately more versatile. There's a  large community for support, inc reddit and netgate's own forum.  No hardware/user limitations.

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