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When would be UTM 9.507 or UTM 9.6 released?



when do you expect UTM 9.507 would be released?

Do you think UTM would recieve mitigation against Meltdown and Spectre with the next updates?

I hope a UTM 9.6 or 10 would be developed, what do you think?

UTM hasn't got updates for more than an quarter year, do you think UTM is abandoned?


Regards Dwayne

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Parents Reply
  • BAlfson said:
    Martin, how do we know that it's safe to follow a link to  The only malware I've gotten in over 10 years was from an external link to a picture in this forum several years ago.

    Cheers - Bob

    Don't you trust your UTM? :-)

    sorry, couldnˋt resist.


