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Is access point support still necessary?

I am in the process of purchasing AP6 420E access points to replace old AP55s that are still currently in use.  I know you no longer need the licensing for Sophos APs, however I must choose the lower priced option, one of which includes AP support while the other doesn't.  The bidder has not responded to my question and it is too late for them to modify their bid.

The first bid for APs only is $710.55 per AP.

The other bid is $594.83 per AP, but it includes an additional $248.83 per AP for "Access Point support" which I cannot find listed on the Sophos website.  

I'm assuming I can simply plug the APs into my network and add them to my Sophos Central by serial number as I have done in the past without the AP support.  Is this correct or am I missing something?

Thank you.

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