I am not able to download Video From Amazon Prime video app in IOS . On firewall I am getting error invalid
traffic. Please find attachment showing error on firewall as well on IOS.
Need Help
What version iOS is the phone running?
Can you post a screenshot of the TLS logs for this connection please.
Dear Sir
Please find screen shot and clipboard copy for reference.
2020-02-05 21:05:05SSL/TLS inspectionmessageid="19006" log_type="SSL" log_component="SSL" log_subtype="Error" severity="Information" user="" src_ip="" dst_ip="" user_group="" src_country="R1" dst_country="USA" src_port="51123" dst_port="443" app_name="" app_id="0" category="Online Shopping" category_id="45" con_id="0" rule_id="5" profile_id="1" rule_name="Outbound_Not_decrypt" profile_name="Maximum compatibility" bitmask="Valid" key_type="KEY_TYPE__RSA" fingerprint="9d:76:dd:df:a9:a3:c4:74:af:f2:d8:86:14:8b:57:cc:14:26:5b:55" resumed="0" cert_chain_served="TRUE" cipher_suite="TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" sni="ak6ocp5zluji1-53cb997a-0bc847d8-6abd2829-c09e2025.eu.api.amazonvideo.com" tls_version="TLS1.0" reason="Dropped due to TLS engine error" exception="" message=""
Dear Sir
IOS is 13.3.1
Hi Vishvas, I believe my colleagues are reaching out to you directly.
Hi Vishvas, I believe my colleagues are reaching out to you directly.
Thanks for the feedback.We have logged NC-55873 to track the same.If we need more information we will contact you via mail.
Rana Sharma