Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

Sophos Firewall: License Sync Failed

Disclaimer: This information is provided as-is for the benefit of the Community. Please contact Sophos Professional Services if you require assistance with your specific environment.

This recommended read describes the troubleshooting steps & possible solutions when you get an error "Synchronization with server failed" while unable to sync the license of a Sophos device.


  • Not able to sync the purchased license on Sophos Firewall.
  • Getting error "Synchronization with server failed" while syncing purchased license.

What to do

Step: 1 Correct Activation Key

  • Please use the correct activation key given by the licensing team – when syncing the license for the first time on your new device.
  • Check license details on the mySophos account portal for a specific appliance and confirm those are registered/displayed correctly. The below steps will help you with the path to check the same:
    • Sign in to the Licensing Portal (
    • Go to My Sophos > Network Protection > View Devices > Search for the appliance's serial number and check the subscription validity.

Note: For more info about licenses, see -

Step: 2 Internet Connectivity

  • Check that the appliance has good internet connectivity.
  • Try to sync the license, verify the error on GUI, and collect the logs via SSH (
    • GUI > Administration> Licensing > click Synchronize: Wait until you see the error.
    • SSH > Login > 5.  Device Management > 3.  Advanced Shell > Use the below command to see the logs of license sync.
      • tail -f /log/licensing.log

Note: Start the log file using the above command and sync the license to get the appropriate logs.

  • To retrieve the license and sync the Sophos Firewall try to contact any of the following domains/servers:
  • From the logs, you'll get the "server name" from which the device is fetching the licensing info. Note - The keyword to find the server-name is "URL"
  • Do the nslookup to the server name and check the tcpdump to confirm the connectivity status.

Command to do lookup -

  • Command to check tcpdump -

  • To confirm the connectivity with the server, you may check the telnet and openssl connection with the below commands:
    # telnet 443
    # openssl s_client -connect
  • If there's no issue with the connectivity, you may get the below outcome:

# openssl s_client -connect
depth=2 C = BE, O = GlobalSign nv-sa, OU = Root CA, CN = GlobalSign Root CA
verify return:1
depth=1 C = BE, O = GlobalSign nv-sa, CN = GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
verify return:1
depth=0 C = GB, ST = Oxfordshire, L = Abingdon, O = Sophos Ltd., CN = *
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:/C=GB/ST=Oxfordshire/L=Abingdon/O=Sophos Ltd./CN=*
.. i:/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
1 s:/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
.. i:/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/OU=Root CA/CN=GlobalSign Root CA
Server certificate
subject=/C=GB/ST=Oxfordshire/L=Abingdon/O=Sophos Ltd./CN=*
issuer=/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2 
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA1
Server Temp Key: ECDH, P-521, 521 bits
SSL handshake has read 3605 bytes and written 552 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
........... Protocol. : TLSv1.2
........... Cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384
........... Session-ID: 3C3C000060F56ACD91AB1C424061500D598251B31BCBBD6F6F3CDF11100E02B0
........... Session-ID-ctx:
Master-Key: A8F2B1B280A9024573DE727DADBF87019FE7AC991A6B7B
........... Key-Arg.. : None
........... PSK identity: None
........... PSK identity hint: None
........... SRP username: None
........... Start Time: 1523308380
........... Timeout.. : 300 (sec)
........... Verify return code: 0 (ok).

  • If you observe connectivity-related issues, please see the common reasons below:
    • The upstream device is blocking the Traffic.
    • ISP is blocking/ not allowing the connection.

Step: 3 Sync License

  • If you have multiple ISPs, you can sync the license by using either of the  ISP connections to figure out the issue either by CLI or UI using the below options:
  • Create an SDWAN route to route the Traffic to the licensing servers through a specific ISP.


NAT policy for system originated Traffic
. . Destination Network.... Destination Netmask.... Interface...... SNAT IP
....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Step: 4 Certificate Error

  • If there are any errors related to the invalid certificate or certificate signing failures, check below:
  • Go to the Certificates > Certificates Authorities > Confirm the Default certificate is filled up correctly with all the details.

  • Ensure that the date on the device is correctly set.
  • Verify if the certificate and its key are present. Check the key files using the below commands: -larth /content/licensing/
  • The output of above command would look as follows:
  • If the internet connection is OK with the device, and the server connectivity is perfect from a device to the licensing server, start the licensing.log file and then sync the license from GUI to see the accurate logs.
    • Apart from licensing.log, you can check - csc-debug, applog.log.

Sample logs:

INFO Jun 25 17:00:15 [0]: --requestType = 2
INFO Jun 25 17:00:15 [0]: --lastCheckCode = 46dbf4cf-b4b0-43b1-bf99-24c1f7de0ab3
INFO Jun 25 17:00:15 [0]: --cert = /content/licensing/lic_csr.pem
INFO Jun 25 17:00:15 [0]: --token = Token-Id: C320A0000000000
INFO Jun 25 17:00:15 [0]: --key = /content/licensing/lic_csr.key
INFO Jun 25 17:00:15 [0]: URL :
INFO Jun 25 17:00:26 [0]: response : {"errorCode":"ITSERVICELAYER_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR","message":"Authentication failed","statusCode":403,"trackingId":"a0430985-badc-4423-8865-bb252fe849f6"}
ERROR Jun 25 17:00:26 [0]: license_check failed : Authentication failed
ERROR Jun 25 17:00:26 [0]: licensing_do_licensecheck() :parsing response failed...


generate certificate signing request (CSR) Thu Jun 25 17:00:27 IST 2020

Thu Jun 25 17:00:28 IST 2020 certificate signing request generated with status :: 0


INFO Jun 25 17:00:28 [0]: --requestType = 4
INFO Jun 25 17:00:28 [0]: --serial = C320A0000000000
INFO Jun 25 17:00:28 [0]: --deviceid = 68bbbf67aea2179b44673104389b4b4288f7
INFO Jun 25 17:00:28 [0]: --cert = /_conf/certificate/licensing/mfgr_vendor_AM.pem
INFO Jun 25 17:00:28 [0]: --key = /_conf/certificate/licensing/mfgr_vendor_AM.key
INFO Jun 25 17:00:28 [0]: URL :
INFO Jun 25 17:00:28 [0]: certificate_signing_request() : request : { "serialNumber":"C0A0B74XT26MYED", "deviceId":"68bbbf67aea2179b44673104389b4b4288f7", "certificateSigningRequest":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
INFO Jun 25 17:00:30 [0]: certificate_signing_request() : response :{"errorCode":"ITSERVICELAYER_DEVICE_NOTFOUND_ERROR","message":"Device not.found","statusCode":404,"trackingId":"b7b4f2b0-8ee9-4900-86a3-385cfb674e3d"}
ERROR Jun 25 17:00:30 [0]: Certificate signing Failed : Device not found...:(
ERROR Jun 25 17:00:30 [0]: certificate signing request() : parsing failed....

Jun 25 17:03:54 getpublickey success Key: 68bbbf67aea2179b44673104389b4b4288f7
Jun 25 17:04:08 lic_csr lock waiting
Jun 25 17:04:08 lic_csr lock acquired
Jun 25 17:04:09 getpublickey success Key: 68bbbf67aea2179b44673104389b4b4288f7
Jun 25 17:04:19 lic_csr lock released on fail
Jun 25 17:04:20 System is not updated since 11 days
Jun 25 17:04:20 MODULE :base
Jun 25 17:04:21 getpublickey success Key: 68bbbf67aea2179b44673104389b4b4288f7
Jun 25 17:04:21 REG STATUS:Active###XG86###L0009704722###0001-01-01###2999-12-31###Purchased
Jun 25 17:04:21 EXPIREDAYS :357773
Jun 25 17:04:21 MODULE :net
Jun 25 17:04:21 getModuleInformation opcode failed
Jun 25 17:04:21 REG STATUS :fail
Jun 25 17:04:21 MODULE :web
Jun 25 17:04:22 getModuleInformation opcode failed
Jun 25 17:04:22 REG STATUS :fail
Jun 25 17:04:22 MODULE :email:
Jun 25 17:04:22 getModuleInformation opcode failed
Jun 25 17:04:22 REG STATUS :fail
Jun 25 17:04:22 MODULE :waf
Jun 25 17:04:23 getModuleInformation opcode failed
Jun 25 17:04:23 REG STATUS :fail
Jun 25 17:04:23 MODULE :sand
Jun 25 17:04:23 getModuleInformation opcode failed
Jun 25 17:04:23 REG STATUS :fail
Jun 25 17:04:23 MODULE :esup
Jun 25 17:04:23 getModuleInformation opcode failed
Jun 25 17:04:23 REG STATUS :fail
Jun 25 17:04:23 MODULE :epsup
Jun 25 17:04:24 getModuleInformation opcode failed
Jun 25 17:04:24 REG STATUS :fail
Jun 25 17:04:24 MODULE EXPIRE LIST :
Jun 25 17:04:24 MODULE EXPIRE WITHIN 10 DAYS :
Jun 25 17:04:24 MODULE EXPIRE WITHIN 20 DAYS :
Jun 25 17:04:24 Request type = 1
Jun 25 17:04:24 apiInterface:versionsupported: true.
Jun 25 17:04:24 apiInterface:request mode -> 1804.
Jun 25 17:04:24 apiInterface:Current ver :::'1702.1'
Jun 25 17:04:24 apiInterface:entityjson::::::::HASH(0x9a58eb0)
Jun 25 17:04:24 Info:: Transaction will not be rolled back for opcode lic_registrationinfo. If any operation fails, request is part of multiple request :
Jun 25 17:04:26 Request type = 1
Jun 25 17:04:26 apiInterface:versionsupported: true.
Jun 25 17:04:26 apiInterface:request mode -> 1803.
Jun 25 17:04:26 apiInterface:Current ver :::'1702.1'
Jun 25 17:04:26 apiInterface:entityjson::::::::HASH(0x9a58f60)
Jun 25 17:04:26 info:: Transaction will not be rolled back for opcode lic_subinfo. If any operation fails, request is part of multiple request :

DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1940]: request name = lic_csr
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1940]: # OPCODE Exited: 'lic_csr' with Status: '500'
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [daily_lic_check:1829]: create_act_out_perl_obj: varname=out
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [daily_lic_check:1829]: create_act_out_perl_obj: out.status=500
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [daily_lic_check:1829]: create_act_out_perl_obj: out.error=OK
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [daily_lic_check:1829]: opcode 'daily_lic_check': time taken: 26.308560849 seconds
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [daily_lic_check:1829]: opcode 'daily_lic_check': time taken: 26.308560849 seconds
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1829]: request name = daily_lic_check
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1829]: # OPCODE Exited: 'daily_lic_check' with Status: '500'
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: create_act_out_perl_obj: varname=out
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: create_act_out_perl_obj: out.status=500
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: create_act_out_perl_obj: out.error=Opcode Failed
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_at: (daily_lic_chk:add)
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_at: (daily_lic_chk:add)
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_at: ATTRIBUTE(hours 24) OPCODE(lic_check)
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_at: ATTRIBUTE(hours 24) OPCODE(lic_check)
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: ACTION: DLOPEN(do_nvram_eget, li.rdm)
ERROR Jun 25 17:04:19 [timer:783]: add_sched_node: timer daily_lic_chk already exist
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_nvram_eget: li.rdm in rdm var
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: ACTION: CALL handle_incommunicado_timer
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_inc_period
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_inc_period
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_inc_period CONTENT-TYPE:text, BODY_LEN:0
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_inc_period CONTENT-TYPE:text, BODY_LEN:0
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE update_cr_alerts
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE update_cr_alerts CONTENT-TYPE:text, BODY_LEN:0
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_query: 'select servicevalue from tblclientservices where servicekey = 'initialsetup''
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_query: 'select servicevalue from tblclientservices where servicekey = 'initialsetup''
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: Initializing database handle
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1984]: # OPCODE Called: 'lic_inc_period'
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1984]: request name = lic_inc_period
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1984]: ### insert_uuid: hdr: len=0 content=1 method=1 name=lic_inc_period
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: create_act_out_perl_obj: varname=out
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: create_act_out_perl_obj: out.status=0
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: create_act_out_perl_obj: JSON out.output={ "servicevalue": [ "0" ] }
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: json_to_perl: Object
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: json_to_perl: Array
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_appliance_update
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_appliance_update
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_appliance_update CONTENT-TYPE:text, BODY_LEN:0
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: do_ao: OPCODE lic_appliance_update CONTENT-TYPE:text, BODY_LEN:0
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: UNLOCK: 28
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1961]: # OPCODE Called: 'lic_appliance_update'
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1961]: request name = lic_appliance_update
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1961]: ### insert_uuid: hdr: len=0 content=1 method=1 name=lic_appliance_update
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: opcode 'lic_check': time taken: 26.753769911 seconds
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [lic_check:1897]: opcode 'lic_check': time taken: 26.753769911 seconds
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1897]: request name = lic_check
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1897]: response content = '{ "status": "500", "statusmessage": "License Check Failed" }'
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1897]: # OPCODE Exited: 'lic_check' with Status: '500'
INFO Jun 25 17:04:19 [apiInterface:1900]: create_act_out_perl_obj: TEXT out.output={ "status": "500", "statusmessage": "License Check Failed" }
DEBUG Jun 25 17:04:19 [worker:1900]: response content = '{ "status": "500", "statusmessage": "License Check Failed" }

  • Verify the public key and the device ID in the Sophos Firewall using the following commands: 
  • From the Advanced Shell, type:
    • # opcode getpublickey -ds nosync
  • From the Device Console, type:
    • console> system diagnostics show version-info

If you continue observing this issue after following all the steps above, please reach out to the Sophos Support team ( with the following information:

  1. Are you facing this issue after an RMA/replacement of the device?
  2. Share the error message which you receive while syncing the license from the web GUI?
  3. As mentioned in step-1, share the snap/picture of the subscription from your licensing portal.
  4. As mentioned in step-2, share the outputs of nslookup, tcpdump, logs(licensing.log), and openssl commands.
  5. How many ISPs do you have?
  6. If you have multiple ISPs - Have you tried with SYSNAT or SD WAN route? Please share the snapshot of the configuration.
  7. Share the output of the page certificate > Certificate authority.
  8. Enable support tunnel and share the access ID as per KBA -

Related Info

Sophos Firewall: Basic Setup & Registration

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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 5:28 AM (GMT -7) on 18 Sep 2024]
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