Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Wired USB Keyboard Trouble installing Sophos XG Firewall (SF01V_SO01) version

Need help.   Wired USB Keyboard Trouble installing Sophos XG Firewall (SF01V_SO01)  version   

Attempting install on Acer Aspire R1600. I had installed UTM9 last night and had the web interface running fine on this machine, so I don't think this is a hardware issue.

After installing UTM 9,  I learned that XG was the future, so I pulled down the XG ISO, burned to a DVD in the same way I did with UTM the day before. However when booting the XG installer from the DVD I see the Sophos FIRMWARE INSTALLER text, and the warning "This program will erase all data from the appliance. Do you want to continue (y/n)." However, my keyboard is not working to let me select, y, to continue. The keyboard worked fine to get me through the boot option to tell the server to boot from DVD.

I repeated with another wireless keyboard, same result.

I repeated using a USB dongle to boot from (instead of the DVD). Same result.

Other posts talk about usb issues once the app is installed, but I can't even get that far.

Any ideas I can try. Thanks in advance.

15-Dec update - I called support.  they suggested that I try the following two items, but neither worked.

1) Enable Legacy USB support.  I looked at the bios, and Legacy USB support was already enabled.  I tried disabling it, but then the USB drive would not load the install files.

2) Reconnect keyboard after extended unplugging.  Once i got to the Y/N prompt, I tried unplugging the keyboard, waited a couple minutes then plugged it back in in an attempt to reload the drivers.  This did not work.

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  • Trying different ports doesnt help. I had never ever such problem with any normal linux distro.  Thats sophos issue it cut off keyboard from usb on first stage of install process.

  • I haven't had keyboard issues installing XG just display. Sounds very much like your MB chipset is not supported by XG.

    What MB are you using?


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Its WYSE terminal with cpu 2 cores and 4gb ram. MB type is "Inventec D-Class".

    Im able to install other 64bit linux distro without problems (like latest mint), thats why im convinced that its not MB problem but it lie basically with sophos. I have two keyboards - classic, simple DELL keyboard and corsair - none of them works with sophos xg. I also tried to install on the same terminal for testing  64bit windows server - no problems.  Others 64bit linux distros, 64bit windows detect keyboards properly, even sophos utm9 - only sophos XG not. This is simple like that.