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Up2Date schlägt fehl.

Beim Up2Date auf Version 7.3 kommt dieser Fehler.

    Installing rpm package: ep-slony-7.2-20.i686.rpm                           O                                                                             K
    Installing rpm package: ep-iphone-client-7.2-2.i686.rpm                    O                                                                             K
    Installing rpm package: ep-license-tools-7.2-21.i686.rpm                   O                                                                             K
    Installing rpm package: ep-ncp-client-7.2-3.i686.rpm                       O                                                                             K
    Installing rpm package: ep-bootsplash-7.2-16.i686.rpm                      O                                                                             K
    Installing rpm package: ep-asg-7.2-28.i686.rpm                             O                                                                             K
    Installing rpm package: ep-docs-app-7.2-14.i686.rpm                        O                                                                             K
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_0 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./run_m                                                                             ail_convert_postinst_1 OK
    Executing script hook : exec /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/./updat                                                                             e7300 OK
    Running syncing step 0                                                     O                                                                             K
    Running syncing step 1                                                     O                                                                             K
Up2Date package installation failed: Errors during the package installation, ins                                                                             tallation failed (10)

Das Dashboard zeigt die Version 7.202, jedoch scheint V7.300 installiert zu sein.

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
  • Hallo,

    habe bei 2 Kundenastaros so ziemlich das gleiche Problem. Update von 7.202 auf 7.300 schlägt fehl und danach keine Verbindung zum backend mehr möglich. Nur reboot per ssh bringt die Kisten wieder hoch und dann steht im Dashbord v 7.202. Hier Auszug aus dem Up2Date Log:

    2008:09:03-11:05:21 (none) auisys[31500]: Starting up2date package installation
    2008:09:03-11:05:31 (none) auisys[31500]: id="371Z" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Successfully installed Up2Date package" status="success" action="install" package_version="7.202" package="sys"
    2008:09:03-11:05:32 (none) auisys[31500]: Installing up2date package file '/var/up2date//sys/u2d-sys-7.300.tgz.gpg'
    2008:09:03-11:05:32 (none) auisys[31500]: Verifying up2date package signature
    2008:09:03-11:06:02 (none) auisys[31500]: Still waiting for process 'sh' PID=32686
    2008:09:03-11:06:31 (none) auisys[31500]: Unpacking installation instructions
    2008:09:03-11:06:32 (none) auisys[31500]: Unpacking up2date package container
    2008:09:03-11:07:02 (none) auisys[31500]: Still waiting for process 'tar' PID=350
    2008:09:03-11:07:31 (none) auisys[31500]: Running pre-installation checks
    2008:09:03-11:08:01 (none) auisys[31500]: Still waiting for process 'tar' PID=753
    2008:09:03-11:08:31 (none) auisys[31500]: Still waiting for process 'tar' PID=753
    2008:09:03-11:08:44 (none) auisys[31500]: Not installing optional kernel-smp
    2008:09:03-11:08:44 (none) auisys[31500]: Not installing optional kernel-bigsmp
    2008:09:03-11:08:45 (none) auisys[31500]: Not installing optional ep-bootsplash-awg
    2008:09:03-11:08:45 (none) auisys[31500]: Not installing optional ep-awg
    2008:09:03-11:08:45 (none) auisys[31500]: Starting up2date package installation
    2008:09:03-11:10:51 (none) auisys[31500]: Still waiting for process 'sh' PID=2148
    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]: >=========================================================================
    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]: Failed installing RPM (command: 'rpm -U /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/rpms/kernel-default-')
    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]: 
    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]:  1. Internal::Systemstep::real_installation:2260()
    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]:  2. main:[:P]erform_work:1021()
    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]:  3. main::auisys_prepare_and_work:519()
    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]:  4. main::top-level:34()
    2008:09:03-11:16:05 (none) audld[9137]: Starting Up2Date Package Downloader (Version 1.57)
    2008:09:03-11:16:08 (none) audld[9137]: can't connect to Confd: 
    2008:09:03-11:16:16 (none) audld[9137]: id="3701" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Authentication successful"
    2008:09:03-11:16:33 (none) audld[9137]: id="3707" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Successfully synchronized fileset" status="success" action="download" package="sys"
    2008:09:03-11:16:36 (none) auisys[31500]: =========================================================================
    2008:09:03-11:17:02 (none) auisys[9298]: Another instance of this process is already running, exiting
    2008:09:03-11:17:02 (none) auisys[9298]: pids currently running: 31500 9296 (my pid: 9298, parent pid: 9297)
    2008:09:03-11:17:02 (none) auisys[9298]: 
    2008:09:03-11:17:02 (none) auisys[9298]:  1. main::auisys_prepare_and_work:286()
    2008:09:03-11:17:02 (none) auisys[9298]:  2. main::top-level:34()
    2008:09:03-11:17:06 (none) auisys[31500]: Still waiting for process 'sh' PID=9148
    2008:09:03-11:17:48 (none) auisys[31500]: >=========================================================================
    2008:09:03-11:17:48 (none) auisys[31500]: Errors during the installation detected, NOT setting new version
    2008:09:03-11:17:48 (none) auisys[31500]: 
    2008:09:03-11:17:48 (none) auisys[31500]:  1. Internal::Systemstep::real_installation:2278()
    2008:09:03-11:17:48 (none) auisys[31500]:  2. main:[:P]erform_work:1021()
    2008:09:03-11:17:48 (none) auisys[31500]:  3. main::auisys_prepare_and_work:519()
    2008:09:03-11:17:48 (none) auisys[31500]:  4. main::top-level:34()
    2008:09:03-11:17:49 (none) auisys[31500]: |=========================================================================
    2008:09:03-11:17:49 (none) auisys[31500]: id="371O" severity="error" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Fatal: Up2Date package installation failed: Errors during the package installation, installation failed (10)" status="failed" action="install" code="10" package="sys"
    2008:09:03-11:17:49 (none) auisys[31500]: 
    2008:09:03-11:17:49 (none) auisys[31500]:  1. main::alf:72()
    2008:09:03-11:17:49 (none) auisys[31500]:  2. main:[:P]erform_work:1067()
    2008:09:03-11:17:49 (none) auisys[31500]:  3. main::auisys_prepare_and_work:519()
    2008:09:03-11:17:49 (none) auisys[31500]:  4. main::top-level:34()
    2008:09:03-11:17:51 (none) auisys[31500]: 

    habe einen Call bei Astaro aufgemacht, bisher aber noch keine Antwort.

  • Hallo,

    mein Problem wurde vom Astaro Support gelöst.

    Einloggen auf Konsole als Root und dies hier eingeben:

    auisys.plx --rpmargs --force

    Konnte das Problem nun so bei 2 Kundengeäten lösen und auf 7.300 updaten. 

  • Wichtig ist hierbei zu wissen, bei welchem RPM-Packet der Fehler aufgetreten ist. 

    Zum Vergleich siehe Auszug von 'gbl' :

    Installing rpm package: ep-bootsplash-7.2-16.i686.rpm O K
    Installing rpm package: abc-123.rpm Failed!

    bzw. Logzeile von 'monthyburns':

    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]: Failed installing RPM (command: 'rpm -U /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/rpms/kernel-default-')
  • Wichtig ist hierbei zu wissen, bei welchem RPM-Packet der Fehler aufgetreten ist. 

    Zum Vergleich siehe Auszug von 'gbl' :

    Installing rpm package: ep-bootsplash-7.2-16.i686.rpm O K
    Installing rpm package: abc-123.rpm Failed!

    bzw. Logzeile von 'monthyburns':

    2008:09:03-11:11:01 (none) auisys[31500]: Failed installing RPM (command: 'rpm -U /var/up2date//sys-install/u2d-sys-7.300/rpms/kernel-default-')
No Data