Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

WAF with the webserver hosted in Azure


we have  a VPN-tunnel from our XG330 (SFOS 20.0.2 MR-2) to Azure and want to host a web application in azure.

The VPN Tunnel was done via the configuration file and is route based, with the xfrm interfaces being in the169.254.0.0/30 subnet.

When I ping the webserver directly from the firewall, the source ip is and is not routed back.

To solve this I configured a SNAT for system-generated traffic to an IP, that can be routed back.

Unfortunately this SNAT does not work on the WAF generated traffic. Doing a TCPdump I can still see the as source IP.

I have tried to add this IP to the routes in Azure but it doesn't work.

I have also tried doing a normal SNAT via the GUI.

Is there any way to solve this issue?

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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 10:02 AM (GMT -8) on 20 Nov 2024]
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