Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

XG firewall - Local ID for traffic

Hello all,

I currently have a XG firewall (FW-1), connected through IPSEC tunnel with another (FW-2).

FW-1 has two LAN zones (LAN-A and LAN-B), both allowed through the IPSEC tunnel.

FW-1 sends log messages (originated from the firewall itself then, not another device) to a server behind FW-2 through the IPSEC tunnel.

on FW-2 there is a rule that allows traffic to the syslog server from LAN-A, but not from LAN-B.

FW-1 uses its IP address from LAN-B as Local ID generating this traffic, thus getting blocked on the other side of the tunnel.

How do I force FW-1 to use its LAN-A IP address for this traffic so that it doens't get blocked? Do I need to psecify a Local ID IP address? If so, what other consequences are there to specify this IP?

thanks in advance



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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 3:17 PM (GMT -7) on 21 Oct 2024]