Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Sophos site to site VPN changes take long to apply, changes dont apply

Hi All - ive had this issue for over 2-3 years now - when trying to make changes on site to site vpns - either the changes take long to apply, dont apply or need to apply several times.

i try to change local ID for example on an existing site to site vpn - after making the change and clicking save - it takes 1-2 minutes then tells me changes not applied either my connection dropped or connection issue, i click site to site vpn again and go to the vpn tat i changed, and no changes applied - will need to do this 3-4 times. I also find just clicking on status form green to red will still show green then 10 minutes later, the VPN is down and disabled.

anyone else had this? 

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  • I am on the verge of Pulling my teeth out with this - i have literally spent the last 30 minutes trying to disable a single Site to Site VPN - i am trying to change the Pre shared key on the VPN and something that should take 30 seconds is taking me 45 - 60 minutes to do - this is INSANE- we are a Sophos partner and starting to think we need to look at an alterative solution - you cant have a product in production that doesnt allow you to perform basic tasks. we have 75 VPNS to change and im having to do 5 a day as it takes me 3-4 hours to do this!!! there seems to be no urgency with SOPHOS Support to resolve this - we needs the 24 hours to read log files - then another call with support and having to spend 30 minutes explainging the issue with another technician!!! There is no ways that im the only one having this issue or had this issue!!!! 

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  • this is what the firewall throws out after waiting 2-3 minutes when trying to performa simple task of disabling a site to Site VPN connection - I have even switched off the remote Device so the VPN is not connected - yet the SOPHOS shows the VPN is still up.