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WAN Link Failover not working


We just added a secondary ISP and I set it up as a new WAN interface. A laptop plugged into it gets an IP address and can get out to the internet, so I know it is working.

I configured WAN failover (active-backup) and initially didn't modify the rules to include another IP address like So it would fail over if it couldn't contact the gateway IP of the main ISP.

When performing a test by removing the cable from the primary WAN port, it did not seem to fail over properly.

Internet connectivity was not restored through the backup gateway. I was unable to ping and eventually got a message saying it couldn't perform a DNS lookup which I thought was odd.

Now that I added the to the rule, will this work? Or are there other things needed? I don't understand how it accounts for NAT, or the VPN gateway, or anything during a failover. Are there routing or firewall rule changes too?

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  • What you are referring to ( Active - Backup Gateway ) is called WLM (WAN Link Management) by Sophos.

    Regarding routing decision, WLM has lowest priority. static/dynamic routing or SDwan routing all have higher priorities.

    For example:

    1- If you have only set a static default route to specific gateway (let's say gateway A), even with gateway A failure, FW won't use the second gateway because static route has higher priority.

    2- If you have a SDWAN route with only GW A as gateway and with "Route only through specified gateways" enabled, firewall won't use the second gateway.

    These are just couple of examples and there could be some issues with NAT also. I recommend contacting sophos support or contacting me over private chat to do a live diagnostic check.

  • What you are referring to ( Active - Backup Gateway ) is called WLM (WAN Link Management) by Sophos.

    Regarding routing decision, WLM has lowest priority. static/dynamic routing or SDwan routing all have higher priorities.

    For example:

    1- If you have only set a static default route to specific gateway (let's say gateway A), even with gateway A failure, FW won't use the second gateway because static route has higher priority.

    2- If you have a SDWAN route with only GW A as gateway and with "Route only through specified gateways" enabled, firewall won't use the second gateway.

    These are just couple of examples and there could be some issues with NAT also. I recommend contacting sophos support or contacting me over private chat to do a live diagnostic check.

  • Thank you - I actually had a couple of migrated SD-WAN route that didn't have the backup gateway specified. No statics in the configuration. I'm going to review the documentation and see if I missed anything, and then get back to you. Thank you!