Break trunk LACP without losing attached DHCP reservation

Hi all,

I need some help with redoing my firewall setup. It was done a while ago and I’ve made some mistakes that I’d like to correct but want to minimise the amount of work.

Here’s what I have : my firewall is a 6 ports firewall. 2 have been put in LACP and are my base LAN with all my firewall. I actually don’t need and don’t use the LACP so would prefer to break it and use them independently.

If I do so, I lose all my VLAN which would not be too bad if I didn’t lose my DHCP servers that have 10s of static ip registered that I don’t want to lose.

How should I proceed to do that with minimal effort ?


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[edited by: emmosophos at 6:24 PM (GMT -7) on 8 Apr 2024]