Fix Datto Firewall Monitor


Can someone help me with my Datto RMM Monitor for Sophos?

The policies have been installed way back, but when we replaced the firewall from one of our sites, the Datto Sophos Monitoring is now offline.

I am new to both Datto and Sophos community.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 7:57 AM (GMT -7) on 21 Mar 2024]
  • It appears that Datto is conducting SNMP monitoring. If you replaced the firewall with another device, did you set up SNMP access on the new firewall either manually or by restoring a backup? Navigate to Administration -> SNMP and set up your SNMPv2 or v3 credentials according to your DATTO configuration. Additionally, Sophos needs to be informed about the source of the SNMP requests (SNMP Manager). For SNMPv2, this is the "Source," and for v3, it is the "Authorized Host."

    You should also verify that the zone where the SNMP manager is situated has SNMP device access rights (Administration -> Device Access (SNMP)).

  • It appears that Datto is conducting SNMP monitoring. If you replaced the firewall with another device, did you set up SNMP access on the new firewall either manually or by restoring a backup? Navigate to Administration -> SNMP and set up your SNMPv2 or v3 credentials according to your DATTO configuration. Additionally, Sophos needs to be informed about the source of the SNMP requests (SNMP Manager). For SNMPv2, this is the "Source," and for v3, it is the "Authorized Host."

    You should also verify that the zone where the SNMP manager is situated has SNMP device access rights (Administration -> Device Access (SNMP)).
