Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Firewall rules are not working

Good afternoon I have a problem that when I create a policy for firewalls and it is activated, it does not work. My goal is that I want to block access to the Internet, that is, so that when I go to some web page, my access is blocked, so that a message appears.

I work in Virtual Box, I have a Sophos server and a Windows 10 client. The goal is that when I log into Windows 10, all web pages are blocked. Now I will provide information in the form of screenshots to make it easier to understand the problem.

1. I made a NAT network that is shared. Sophos IP:

2. In Windows 10 my IP is:

3. So I have a correct connection to the  Sophos server.

4. Then I went to the Sophos portal, logged in, and started creating a new policy in the firewall policy settings. I made it possible to connect from LAN to WAN. And assigned “Drop” to block access.

5. Here you can see that the policy has already been created and that it is activated. Her name is "Test".

6. If I go to Google, it doesn’t block my access

7. Also in Host and Services, I added Windows 10 IP, but it still doesn’t work for me.

I ask the Sophos Administration for help and will be grateful for any answer and help!

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Parents Reply
  • …what about your Sophos WAN-Interface? Does your Sophos have an internet connection?

    try to run „tracert“ in cmd of you windows client and post the results.

    and a screenshot of you Sophos interface configuration (WAN) on Webadmin
