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Passing through external IPs

Hi all,

Hoping I can get pointed in the right direction!

We have an opportunity to provide networking for a managed office, as part of this they want to be able to offer the protection that the XG can do. - That is simple enough and I can create VLANs, Zones, etc. 

The bit that I am struggling with is they have multiple external IPs, which I need to pass through to their customers with no NAT

Let's say they are using which is provided by the ISP

Our firewall will be with a GW of (ISP)

Customer A firewall will be with a GW I believe of our XG (
Customer B firewall will be with a GW as above and so on.

I need to be able to pass these external IPs through our firewall, skipping NAT and all protection, EG to the customer's device it is an external IP and behaves the same way.

I need to be able to QOS these IPs to the internet package that is chosen and also have the ability to pass the external IPs over a VLAN on our network to the customers end device rather than using a physical port on the XG (again simple enough I guess what I am asking is does the XG supports this)


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  • Hi Alex,

    This should be possible with "Deploy Sophos Firewall in bridge mode"

    But if possible, i would always prefer routing mode. (needs an additional public IP-range or NAT)


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Hi Alex,

    This should be possible with "Deploy Sophos Firewall in bridge mode"

    But if possible, i would always prefer routing mode. (needs an additional public IP-range or NAT)


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Ok, if I place the device in bridge mode, I assume I can still create additional Zones and "local Lans".
    Because if I used Routing mode with NAT, the customer would not get a true "external IP" as I understand it?

    Can you give me a bit more information on the additional Public IP-Range, do you mean an additional subnet on top of the subnet provided by the ISP?