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Sophos Connect Client Language

Hi all,

is there any possibility to install the Sophos Connect Client in a specified language?
It seems, the Installer uses the language of Windows-Installation, but this is not wanted in any cases.

As Sophos Support suggested, I tried to change the language of XGS Webportal also as the language of the self-service portal and downloaded then the installer, but nothing works. The language is always the same.

Sophos Support seems to have no idea also.

For Central Endpoint I found some command line parameters, but not for the Connect Client.

Any ideas?

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  • Hi,

    this is really a dirty workaround ... but works, so thank you so far Slight smile

    But I can't believe there is no reasonable way. The language files are all existing, so there must be a way to select them during the installation ...

    therefore I would like to leave the case open.

  • I think, this is just something that has been overseen while coding. Like a password could be more complex than blaBla123.

    Probably in one of the .js files there, you will find the dynamic part of reading the current OS language and then applying the other language lable and status .js files.  You could then recode the file to always load your specific language.

    I marked the files in bold text that are probably the ones you need, in case Support cannot offer you a professional workaround.

    Suche "de_de" (8 Treffer in 5 Dateien von 31 gesucht)
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Connect\GUI\js\labels_de_de.js (1 Treffer)
        Line 1: var labelArray_de_de =
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Connect\GUI\js\status_de_de.js (1 Treffer)
        Line 1: var statusMsgArray_de_de =
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Connect\GUI\js\statusMsg.js (2 Treffer)
        Line 14:                     ["de_de", statusMsgArray_de_de],
        Line 14:                     ["de_de", statusMsgArray_de_de],
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Connect\GUI\js\connections.js (1 Treffer)
        Line 2586:     if (inLang.indexOf("de-") === 0) { return "de_de"; }
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Connect\GUI\js\label.js (3 Treffer)
        Line 14:                     ["de_de", labelArray_de_de],
        Line 14:                     ["de_de", labelArray_de_de],
        Line 120:                 case "de_de":